Thursday, March 23rd

“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”  Psalms 62:7

Dear Father, In this world, I am constantly seeking honor and glory.  I seek in the praise of the people around me.  I seek it in the acclaim of the larger community of people who may hear about me and the things that I’ve done.  They say that they’ve heard about me and I wonder if that’s good or bad or indifferent.  I see recognition and notoriety.  When someone else gets it, a seed of jealousy is sown in my heart.  Father, I want to be noticed.  I want honor and glory.  I want recognition, even if that is just a nod in my direction.  But, Father, I know that this pursuit of earthly glory is sinful.  I am simply confessing that my heart pursues the wrong things.  And, Father, in this I am not only pursuing the wrong glory but I am despising and forgetting about a better glory.  I am forgetting about the better glory and honor that I have through your Son.  His blood and his righteousness give me an honor far greater than any person or organization or institution could ever give me.  His blood and righteousness gives me an honor and a glory in your presence so that through him I get to hear your voice of pleasure.  And, Father, it’s not something that I need to chase.  My salvation and my honor not only depend on you, but they come from you.  You give it to me.  You put it on me.  So, now, Father, help me to lift up my head today because of honor and the glory which you have laid on me.  Help me to stand up and live with confidence because of who you have declared me to be.  Amen.

Jesus, your blood and righteousness my beauty are, my glorious dress; ‘midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed, with joy shall I lift up my head.”  Nicholaus von Zinzendorf

Wednesday, March 22nd

“Vindicate me, my God, and champion my cause against an unfaithful nation.  Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked.”  Psalms 43:1

Lord God, If you were not on my side, I would have long ago gone my own way.  If you were not with me, I would long ago have wandered away and even given up the fight.  If you were not walking with me and filling me with your Spirit, I would have thrown up my hands in despair.  But Lord, you have been on my side from the moment I was baptized into your holy name.  You have been championing my cause from the moment I became your child.  You are certainly on my side.  As I begin my work this week and pursue your ways and your will, champion my cause against all those who would oppose you.  Better yet, Lord, champion your cause in this world and use me to do it.  Use me to push forward the kingdom of God with great force.  Give me strength to take hold of it and to advance your kingdom mightily.  Champion my cause against the forces of the devil.  Champion my cause against this unbelieving world so that your kingdom might take root in the hearts and lives of your most holy people.  Keep me from getting discouraged when the work is hard and seems to be in vain.  Assure me that because of your mighty resurrection this work is never in vain.  It is always yours.  And I am yours.  Champion your cause and use me to do it.  Amen.

The Christian life and cause is never in vain because God champions their cause.  God will not let it be for nothing. 

Tuesday, March 21st

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.”  John 15:16

Dear Jesus, I remember how exhilarating it was to be chosen to play on a team, or to be chosen for an award.  My sense of self-worth would skyrocket.  How much more meaningful it is to know that you have chosen me to be your disciple.  My relationship is safe since it’s based on your choice and not mine.  Thank you for singling me out to be your follower.  I want to serve you with all my heart since I’m on your team.  I want you to make glad that you chose me.  I know your grace keeps your heart safe, but I want to bless you too simply because I’m thankful.  Help me know what is pleasing in your sight in my relationships with people all around me.  Amen.

God started his friendship with us and he will finish it too. 

Monday, March 20th

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”  Psalms 40:2-3

Lord God, You have completely and thoroughly changed my fortunes and my outlook for my life.  And sometimes I don’t even realize it and it doesn’t even hit me.  It happened in my life before I was even aware.  At my baptism, Lord God, you snatched me from the jaws of hell and brought me into your family.  You lifted me out of the slimy pit and rescued me.  You set my feet on a rock, solid place so that I might stand.  You filled me with songs and praise to you.  O Lord, so often I lose sight of this great rescue.  Life with its every flowing stream of activities and responsibility distracts me from your greatness and from my firm standing.  And, Lord, I hate to confess this, but since I have been your child for many years and know well your gospel, I easily and quickly think to myself, “I’ve heard all of this before.”  Too many times, Lord, I lose my awe at your grace and your goodness.  I do not stand back with a sense of awe at all you have done for me.  Restore this to me, Lord.  You have so thoroughly changed my future and my fortunes.  You have so completely changed my footing and my destiny.  Help me to lift up my head and to live with the confidence and the outlook on life that only becomes because of the footing you have given me and the fortune you have laid out for me.  Amen.

Saturday, March 18th

"A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weights the heart.”  Proverbs 21:2

Dear Heavenly Father, Solomon said he got his wisdom from his father, David, and the Holy Spirit.  David was chosen by you to be king because you saw his heart.  You even passed up his older brothers because David’s heart beat in rhythm with yours.  You see the heart when we only see outward actions.  I know of people who have endless arguments about being “right.”  I have a few such arguments myself.  I love how your Proverb blows away all our self-righteous attempts to justify ourselves.  You weigh the heart.  I know you see how out of balance mine can be.  Please have mercy on me and forgive my sinful heart.  But take it further and purify my heart from all unclean and selfish thoughts and make me someone you like as much you love.  Make me holy from the inside out.  Amen.

In Christ and his word, we clean up really well!

Friday, March 17th

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”  Proverbs 22:9

Dear Heavenly Father, You are generous with all that you have made.  I am a grateful recipient of a multitude of your gifts.  Make me a generous person like you.  Whenever I have given freely to others, I have been blessed in my heart beyond what I would have thought.  But I have also noticed how often you put back double of what I have shared with others.  Oh God, you can be trusted to take care of the generous follower of yours.  Increase my faith so I will bless people in big way for the rest of my life.  Amen.

Love people big and you’ll be living large! 

Thursday, March 16th

“Rich and poor have this in common:  The Lord is the Maker of them all.”  Proverbs 22:2

Dear Lord, How often have I sat in my car waiting for the light to turn green and looked over to see a homeless person panhandling and thought, “I’m glad my life is better than that?”  There’s a fine line between, “I’m glad my life is different” and “I’m glad I am different.”  The latter is deadly.  You are the maker of all people and in your eyes we all panhandle on the side of your road.  We beg you for handouts in our prayers.  We put ourselves in this predicament and we deserve nothing from your hand.  But daily you roll down the window and hurl out your Son, our jobs, our friends and our endless opportunities to succeed.  Thank you for your condescending grace that blesses us poor beggars.  Never let me look at anyone standing beside my two-ton blessing on wheels, as anything other than an equal soul, loved by you and put there for me to love too.  Amen.

All humans are cut from the same lumber.  God can salvage any one of us for his heavenly furniture. 

Wednesday, March 15th

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.”  Psalms 34:15

Lord God, My kids always want me to be watching them.  “Did you see that?”  “Are you watching?”  When they are scared, when they are proud, when they are excited, when they need help and support, when they have a question-throughout their life in both good and in bad times they want my attention.  When I’m watching they feel loved.  When I’m watching it increases their joy and their pride.  How good it is, God, to know that your eyes are always on me.  You are watching me to protect me from trouble.  You are watching me to guard and guide the course of my life.  You are close to me in my trouble.  When I call out, you answer.  When I cry out to you, you hear me.  And it’s the same when I’m excited and thankful for the course of my life.  You are right there to voice your approval.  You are right there to rejoice with me in the good things that you’re doing.  And more than that, just as my children have more confidence to try things because I am watching, I am filled with confidence because I know that whatever situation I enter into, Father, I know that you are watching me.  Father, I am glad that your eyes are always on me and that you are close to me my whole life.  With your eyes on me and your ears open to me, fill me confidence and greater joy as I live for you.  Amen.

Kids want their parent’s attention.  It assures them that they are loved, are heard, and are protected.  It fills them with confidence to go and do hard things.  Our Father’s eyes are on us.  His attention to us assures us that we are loved, are heard, and are protected.  It fills us with confidence to go and do hard things because we’re never doing it alone. 

Tuesday, March 14th

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.  The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”  John 14:21

Dear Jesus, All of your commands can be summed up in the word “Love”.  So often I focus on trying to change the people around me so my life will be easier.  I realize that you want me to love them first and not try to love myself by changing them.  Help me to unconditionally love people and to seek their best interests.  And give me patience when I don’t see the results of my love as soon as I had hoped.  You give me oodles of time to come around.  I want to do the same for those in my life.  So, walk beside me and help me to love like you.  Amen.

Love is patient, love is kind even when it knows it’s right. 

Monday, March 13th

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”  Psalms 18:19

Dear Father, It seems quite exciting and exhilarating to me to take a car out onto the salt flats and just open it up, to drive as if there were no one around and as if there were no danger to me or to anyone else.  It seems quite exhilarating to settle down into a wide-open place without any walls closing in on me.  It all seems extremely freeing to live without boundaries, without fears, without threats, without anything to limit what I would do or where I could go.  In this world, however, Father, I feel the walls often closing in on me.  I feel claustrophobic in a way.  Things and sometimes even people threaten me and I can feel the walls closing in around me on every side.  Fears of uncertain things cause me to tap the breaks on living on absolute freedom and fearlessly.  Fear of the unknown causes me to round a corner quite cautiously.  But Father, you invite me to live fearlessly and, in a way, recklessly.  You have rescued me from all that threatens me.  There are no walls closing in on me.  There are no enemies surrounding me.  There is nothing, nothing at all, that can truly threaten me.  You have rescued me and brought me out into a spacious place where I can run, where I can live without fear of any danger.  Fill my heart with the peace and confidence that comes from knowing that nothing, nothing at all can threaten me or destroy my peace.  Give me boldness and courage to live without fear.  You are my rock!  You are seated on your throne!  Nothing can threaten me.  Amen.

When the walls are closing in and threats appear on the horizon, remember the rescue of your God and Savior.  Who is like him?  Who is a Rock like him?  There is no one like our God. 

Saturday, March 11th

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” Psalms 8: 3-4   

Lord God, I can’t believe it.  I can hardly wrap my mind around it.  The way you think about me and pay attention to me, little me, in this world is downright outlandish.  I sit back and consider the works you have done.  I think about the oceans and the boundaries you set for them; you told them, “This far and no farther.”  I think about the hills and the mountains that you set in place.  I am amazed at the way you placed the stars in the sky and designed the constellations for us to discover.  You did that for all the stars!  You put each star, each planet, each moon, each mountain, each river, each thing that exists on this earth in its proper place.  And you still hold it all together by your powerful word.  You didn’t just make it and then walk away.  You made it and still preserve it!  And God, in the midst of all of this, that you consider and think about me, a mere human being.  And not just a human being, but a sinful human being.  You think of me!  You thought of me when you sent your Son to become a mere human being to save sinful human beings.  You were concerned about me.  Your attention to me is so personal that, though the world is full of people to whom you also attend, you give care and attention to me as if I were the only one here!  Father, I look forward to the day when sin will be abolished and you will restore all things and make them new.  I long for the day when sin will be rolled back and destroyed once and forever no longer to leave me in submission to death and decay.  O Spirit, keep me in the faith until that day.  Keep your eyes trained on me so that I do not fall.  I am yours.  Keep me until the end.  Amen.

To the world I may be just one; but to Him I am the only one. 

Friday, March 10th

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers.”  Psalms 1:3

Lord God, Your Word is good.  It is wisdom.  It is truth.  It is power.  It is strength.  It is guidance.  It is life.  It gives peace.  It fills me.  It does spiritual surgery.  It cuts me to the heart, to the very joint and marrow of the matter, and uncovers the thoughts and attitudes of my heart.  It heals my broken and bleeding heart.  Your Word is good, better for me and my salvation than I can even begin to imagine or describe.  Help me to put down roots into it.  Help me to sit here in your Word constantly throughout this day.  Today, Lord, I already know that I will be drawn away to sit in places besides your Word.  I will be tempted to take a journey of sinful thought patters.  I will be tempted to do and to say things that are not constructive and will do and say things that will tear people down.  I know the places where I will be tempted to sit.  Keep me from this, dear Father.  Lead me by your Holy Spirit to think about only what is good and true and loving.  Lead me by your Holy Spirit to say only what is helpful for building other people up and not to tear them down.  Help me to put down roots in your Word because this is a blessed and happy place for me to put down roots and to settle down.  Your Word is good for me and for my soul.  Most importantly, it leads me to take refuge in you.  And in the shadow of your shade, nothing can harm or hurt me, not even the hottest sun.  Lord, your Word is good.  Help me to treasure it and to put down roots in it today and every day.  Amen.

God’s Word is like a surgeon’s knife and needle.  It cuts to the quick to remove sin.  It binds up the broken and repentant heart.  It raises us up to live again in Jesus. 

Thursday, March 9th

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”  Psalms 23:1

Dear Jesus, I often don’t see it.  I often don’t recognize it.  But this truth brings comfort to my soul.  This truth brings peace to my life.  Even in the darkest moments, it brings light to my darkness.  You promise me that you will provide me with all that I need.  You give me rest for my soul and restoration for my life.  You guide my footsteps by your Word and with your Holy Spirit.  You guard me from harm and danger.  And most of all, your presence is always near.  This truth brings comfort to my weary soul.  Lord Jesus, I am tired and worn.  The daily rat race of life wears me out and breaks me down.  It’s exhausting.  Lord Jesus, I am harried and hurried.  I am not just pursuing the life laid out for me, but I am pursued by that ancient dragon, the Devil.  You tamed him and put a hook in his noise.  You broke him.  You are truly great, dear Jesus!  You not only comfort me with your presence, but you also defend me with your power.  Set my heart at rest with this truth, dear Jesus.  And keep on leading me day by day.  Amen.

If I have Jesus and he has me, then I am good no matter what life throws at me. 

Wednesday, March 8th

Therefore, when we could no longer endure it, we thought it good to be left in Athens alone, and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith, that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.  For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulations, just as it happened, and you know.  For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain.”  1 Thessalonians 3:1-5

Dear Jesus, What careful efforts Paul made to assure his friends that their sufferings as Christians were not a sign of being lost.  It’s so easy to be shaken by afflictions, as Paul put it.  It makes us question your love and existence.  And our faith is important to you.  That’s why you sent Timothy to speak into the lives of the Thessalonians.  Send me to speak into the lives of suffering people, so they grow in faith instead of losing it in the midst of suffering.  And when I’m suffering and bewildered send Christians to speak into my life so I am guided during that vulnerable time to trust and follow you through the dark valley.  I know the eternal love and life you have given me will draw me through suffering safely to my final destination, but the journey is very troubling.  Be with me and send people to walk beside me all the way.  Amen.

Jesus is God of the valley as much as the mountaintop.

Tuesday, March 7th

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and, in your name, perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.  Away from me, you evildoers!”  Matthew 7:21-23

Dear Jesus, Your words strike fear in my heart.  I suspect you intended that too.  They deal with my sinful, selfish nature that always wants to be king.  They make me scan my life and look for what I need to apologize to you for.  They make me repent of willful neglect of my duty with family and friends.  They remind me that a relationship with you is not just words but heartfelt belief and actions that grow out of that faith.  I’m not a Christian because I do works alongside my sins.  I’m a Christian because I repent of my sin and cling to you for mercy.  My works are irrelevant when it comes to you and me.  It’s all based on faith.  I do trust you.  And I want you to be able to trust me too.  Help me be your true follower, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Jesus sees the heart.  So, worship him there. 

Monday, March 6th

“But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored more eagerly to see your face with great desire.  Therefore, we wanted to come to you-even I, Paul, time and again-but Satan hindered us.  For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?  Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?  For you are our glory and joy.”  1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

Dear Jesus, Give me that heart that loves people so deeply that I would tell them what Paul told the Thessalonians, that they are my joy and crown of rejoicing.  Guard my heart against valuing things more than people.  Help me to own my family and Christian friends in my heart.  Break up that hardness that I have taught myself to use in order to keep from feeling pain from the hurts that come from relationships.  Help me to feel and to love and to be vulnerable to them.  Make me a real lover of souls the way you are.  You bought all people with your own life.  Help me to keep making payments on them for you.  Amen.

People are God’s most treasured creation.  We fulfill our purpose when we value them the same. 

Saturday, March 4th

“Baptism…now saves you…through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.”  1 Peter 3:21-22

Lord Jesus, I quickly forget how much victory and power I have in my baptism.  I act and live like a submissive kitten, when in reality your death and resurrection won a victory for me that makes me a lion.  Lord Jesus, you conquered all things and put them under your feet.  You destroyed death.  You paid for all sin.  You crushed the devil.  All of it must bow to you and your will.  You give me this victory at my baptism.  Your victory, Lord Jesus, is mine.  The devil can’t hold any sin against me.  He can’t hold hell over my head as a threat.  Death can’t scare me because you have taken death’s string.  Lord Jesus, help me to live with eternal confidence and resurrection swagger.  I am not defeated; I am more than a conqueror through you, Lord Jesus.  And nothing can condemn me now.  Nothing can own me now.  Nothing can defeat me now.  I am yours.  Your victory is mine.  Amen.

“So, when the devil throws your sins in your face and tells you that you deserve death and hell, tell him this; ‘I admit that I deserve death and hell.  What of it?  For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction for all my sins.  His name is Jesus Christ and where he is there I shall also be.’”  Martin Luther

Friday, March 3rd

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.  The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to tread on the heights.”  Habakkuk 3:17-19

Lord God, almighty!  So much of what is going on in this world bothers me and breaks my heart.  I weep and struggle with the injustice that happens in this country, when the guilty are acquitted and the innocent are judged.  My heart is angry about the tension between races and nations and languages.  The love that people have for other people is cold and absent.  Morality is going out of the window and it is being celebrated; immorality is being legislated and made legal.  Around the world I hear of wars and rumors of wars.  I read of the persecution that is happening to Christians and my heart weeps.  Hunger, homelessness, famine, drought, earthquake-disaster after disaster happens all around me.  It all seems so unfair.  It all breaks my heart.  Sometimes it even makes me angry.  Yet, Lord, though all of these things continue, I will rejoice in you and I will celebrate your just and righteous rule of the nations.  I will celebrate you and be glad in your salvation.  Yet, Lord, I will still and silence my heart before you because you rule in justice and mercy.  Instead of just coming to wipe out the evil, you have shown mercy to me and to this world by giving us time to repent.  Lord, protect me from the evil of these days and make my feet secure and sure like a deer on the mountain heights. Keep my heart from longing after sin and wickedness.  Keep my life from harm and danger.  In your hands, O Lord, I commend my body and soul.  Send your holy angel, yes, Lord, come yourself to protect me this day.  Amen.

Even in distress, trouble, injustice and wickedness, we will celebrate the Lord.  His justice is perfect.  I will trust it. 

Thursday, March 2nd

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  Psalms 16:5-6

Lord God, How can I be concerned about this day when you assure me that my portion and my cup are secure?!!  I often spend so much energy thinking about how I’m going to protect what I have and add to it.  I am often quite concerned about my life, about the direction of it, the success and pleasantness of it.  I am often worried about the things that threaten my life.  But you, Lord, are setting down the boundary lines for my life in pleasant places.  Though I may not always understand why you draw the lines where you do, I know you!  I know that you, God, have made my lot secure.  I know that you are guarding an eternal inheritance for me that far outweighs anything that this world has to offer.  I know that you are keeping me from all true and eternal harm and danger so that I might enjoy this inheritance with you.  Throughout this life, then, dear Father, remind me who you are.  Keep biblical theology, the true teaching about you, close to my heart and mind that I might constantly and regularly remember you and these promises you make.  How can I be concerned when you are keeping me?!!  Help me to remember you and your promises.  Amen.

Our God is keeping an eternal inheritance for us and us for that inheritance. 

Wednesday, March 1st

“And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.  For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus:  You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out.  They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved.  In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit.  The wrath of God has come upon them at last.” 2 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Dear Jesus, Once we hear your truthful word and it changes our lives, we enter the fellowship of believers who know what it’s like to embrace the truth even if it means rejection from others.  The truth becomes our greater friend and family that blesses us so much we won’t let it go even if it means loss.  Your love and truth are great companions for our souls.  Help me to be an encourager for those who cling to you and your truth in the face of opposition and help me to encourage them the way Paul does here.  So that their rejection from others will be replaced by love and compassion from me.  Amen. 

Run toward those who are suffering for the truth and fill in their hole with your compassion.