Thursday, March 9th

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”  Psalms 23:1

Dear Jesus, I often don’t see it.  I often don’t recognize it.  But this truth brings comfort to my soul.  This truth brings peace to my life.  Even in the darkest moments, it brings light to my darkness.  You promise me that you will provide me with all that I need.  You give me rest for my soul and restoration for my life.  You guide my footsteps by your Word and with your Holy Spirit.  You guard me from harm and danger.  And most of all, your presence is always near.  This truth brings comfort to my weary soul.  Lord Jesus, I am tired and worn.  The daily rat race of life wears me out and breaks me down.  It’s exhausting.  Lord Jesus, I am harried and hurried.  I am not just pursuing the life laid out for me, but I am pursued by that ancient dragon, the Devil.  You tamed him and put a hook in his noise.  You broke him.  You are truly great, dear Jesus!  You not only comfort me with your presence, but you also defend me with your power.  Set my heart at rest with this truth, dear Jesus.  And keep on leading me day by day.  Amen.

If I have Jesus and he has me, then I am good no matter what life throws at me.