Thursday, March 2nd

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  Psalms 16:5-6

Lord God, How can I be concerned about this day when you assure me that my portion and my cup are secure?!!  I often spend so much energy thinking about how I’m going to protect what I have and add to it.  I am often quite concerned about my life, about the direction of it, the success and pleasantness of it.  I am often worried about the things that threaten my life.  But you, Lord, are setting down the boundary lines for my life in pleasant places.  Though I may not always understand why you draw the lines where you do, I know you!  I know that you, God, have made my lot secure.  I know that you are guarding an eternal inheritance for me that far outweighs anything that this world has to offer.  I know that you are keeping me from all true and eternal harm and danger so that I might enjoy this inheritance with you.  Throughout this life, then, dear Father, remind me who you are.  Keep biblical theology, the true teaching about you, close to my heart and mind that I might constantly and regularly remember you and these promises you make.  How can I be concerned when you are keeping me?!!  Help me to remember you and your promises.  Amen.

Our God is keeping an eternal inheritance for us and us for that inheritance.