Friday, March 10th

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers.”  Psalms 1:3

Lord God, Your Word is good.  It is wisdom.  It is truth.  It is power.  It is strength.  It is guidance.  It is life.  It gives peace.  It fills me.  It does spiritual surgery.  It cuts me to the heart, to the very joint and marrow of the matter, and uncovers the thoughts and attitudes of my heart.  It heals my broken and bleeding heart.  Your Word is good, better for me and my salvation than I can even begin to imagine or describe.  Help me to put down roots into it.  Help me to sit here in your Word constantly throughout this day.  Today, Lord, I already know that I will be drawn away to sit in places besides your Word.  I will be tempted to take a journey of sinful thought patters.  I will be tempted to do and to say things that are not constructive and will do and say things that will tear people down.  I know the places where I will be tempted to sit.  Keep me from this, dear Father.  Lead me by your Holy Spirit to think about only what is good and true and loving.  Lead me by your Holy Spirit to say only what is helpful for building other people up and not to tear them down.  Help me to put down roots in your Word because this is a blessed and happy place for me to put down roots and to settle down.  Your Word is good for me and for my soul.  Most importantly, it leads me to take refuge in you.  And in the shadow of your shade, nothing can harm or hurt me, not even the hottest sun.  Lord, your Word is good.  Help me to treasure it and to put down roots in it today and every day.  Amen.

God’s Word is like a surgeon’s knife and needle.  It cuts to the quick to remove sin.  It binds up the broken and repentant heart.  It raises us up to live again in Jesus.