Tuesday, February 28th

“Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you.  Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.  Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you.”  1 Thessalonians 2:8-9

Dear Jesus, Give us pastors and leaders who will serve like Paul, as a mother selflessly serves her children, not counting the cost.  Make them people whom we admire for their sacrifice and humility.  Help them to model what you are like so their lives match their message about you.  Cause them to do everything in their power not to be a burden to the people they serve.  Oh, Lord, give us selfless leaders!  Amen.

Once you stop to count what serving others has cost you, you have already stopped serving and have become an employee.   

Monday, February 27th

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.  I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.”  Psalms 63:1-2

Lord God, You are my God.  As I live my life in this world, it is a desert wasteland, it is desolate on every side.  I realize and experience more and more every day that nothing in this world will satisfy me.  In fact, everything in this world is just a leech.  It dries me out.  It exhausts me.  It dehydrates me.  It leaves me gasping for breath and longing for water in this world.  Earth is truly a desert drear.  I experience this and realize this more and more every single day.  But Lord as I look to you in your Holy Place, I consider and gaze on your power and your glory.  I consider how powerful and mighty you are to save.  I consider how powerful and mighty you are to protect.  I consider how powerful you are to guide and govern.  I think about the weightiness of your glory and majesty.  You, God, are truly majestic and glorious more than I know or can imagine.  When I look to you, Lord, in your Holy Place, then my spirits revive and my strength returns.  When I gaze on you and think about you throughout the day and night, then I have reason to praise you for as long as I live.  Satisfy me, O Lord, with food for my body and strength for my soul.  Do not leave me, Lord!  Follow close to me and holy me with your mighty right hand.  Guard me in the shadow of your wings.  Sustain and strengthen me in this desert that is my dwelling place for me.  And, finally, bring me to the dwelling place you have prepared for me.  Amen.

This world is not the paradise God intended.  It is a desert and a desolate wasteland.  But one day, God will turn this desert into paradise.  I can’t wait! 

Saturday, February 25th

“You know, brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was not without results.  We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition.  For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.  On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.  We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.  You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed-God is our witness.  We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority.  Instead, we were like young children among you.”1 Thessalonians 2:1-7 

Dear Jesus, Thank you for purifying my motives.  It’s so easy to slip into selfish reasons for doing church and reaching out to others.  This passage where Paul peels back the curtain to show his true heart, reveals that your love drove him to boldly keep reaching out to new people even though it was difficult and scary.  Help me to take a long hard look at my motives and to weed out any self-interest that makes me work for money, for praise or for self-affirmation.  Give me a wise and discerning heart that purifies itself in your grace and truth and then goes boldly to love other people big.  I know you see all my motives.  Do what you must to make sure mine are pure in your sight.  And when I must invade the life of someone else with your truth, help them to see that my motives were only about their spiritual and eternal benefit and nothing for myself.  Amen.

Daring to invade another person’s life with the truth that first offends and then saves, is a great act of selflessness. 

Friday, February 24th

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will life you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.  You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.”  Psalms 91:11-13

Dear Lord God, There are so many parts of my life in which I live afraid.  I am afraid of danger.  I am afraid of disaster.  I am afraid of storms.  I am afraid of what people may do to me.  I am even more afraid of what people may do to me.  I am even more afraid of what people may think about me.  I am even more concerned about how people view me.  I live my life afraid of so many dangers.  I see a snake and even though I may want to do something about it, I shrink back in fear.  I like to see lion, but only as long as they are inside an enclosure and unable to get near me.  There are so many parts of my life in which I am afraid.  Father, you do not want me to be afraid.  In fact, you tell me here that you have commanded angels about me to guard me in all of my ways.  You have promised that when I am falling and hurtling toward the ground like an eaglet, they will scoop me up in their hands and protect me.  Your Son, Jesus, swooped in to save and rescue me from sin and every evil.  He has already rescued me from the greatest danger that faces me and he will rescue me, along with all of his heavenly angel army, from every other evil and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom.  Lord God, this is all true.  Help me to live my life today unafraid.  Help me to step out against the snake and the lion, whatever it is that may threaten me.  Help me to step out in the boldness and confidence of my identity-I am your child!  And that is true no matter how people receive me.  That is true no matter how people treat me.  I am your child.  And you are my refuge and my fortress.  Help me to step out into this day unafraid.  Amen.

Being raised up on eagles’ wings doesn’t mean that the baby bird never left the nest, but that when he was flailing and falling from the sky, unable to fly on his own and save himself, his mother swept in to the rescue.  So also, my God! 

Thursday, February 23rd

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”  Psalms 139:1

Lord God, I am afraid, Lord.  I am afraid that if people really know the deep insecurities, doubts, fears, and guilt in my heart that they wouldn’t like or love me anymore.  I am afraid that if people really knew the things that I’ve done in my past that they wouldn’t respect me anymore.  I am even more afraid of that same thing with you.  What you know about me goes far beyond what other people know about me.  You have searched me completely and thoroughly.  You know all of my thoughts.  You know all of the things that I’ve done.  You know me in and out.  And still you love me.  And still you call me, “Child!”  And still you forgive me.  And still you guide and guard my paths.  And still you lead me on the path to everlasting life.  And still you walk with me.  And still you order my footsteps.  Father, I’m not afraid anymore.  There is no thing about me that can become known that you don’t cover up with the blood of your Son Jesus.  People may turn away from me, but you never will.  You know me and you still love me.  And you will never stop.  I’m not afraid anymore.  Amen.

To be fully known and truly loved as God loves us is what we need more than anything.  It comforts us in all our fears and fortifies us for any trouble that life can throw at us. 

Wednesday, February 22nd

“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross.”  Philippians 2:5-8

Dear Jesus, For Lent I will give up being haughty, self-centered and defensive.  Instead, I will look at you and the way you ignored your deity so you could save me.  I will pursue serving others with self-abandoned freedom.  I will throttle my complaining spirit and redirect my thoughts to the blessings and opportunities that come from meeting the needs of others.  I will forget what I have done for people and refuse to expect recognition or reciprocation.  I will seek the peace and happiness that come from a self-forgetting path.  I will be spiritually alive as I put to death the selfishness that keeps popping up like winter dandelions.  Amen.

Being like Christ will reap a soul the benefit of selflessness

Tuesday, February 21st

“Therefore we do not need to say anything about it (your faith), for they (the people around you) themselves report what kind of reception you gave us.  They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead-Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.”  1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

Dear Jesus, I always amazes me how if I will but just trust the gospel’s power enough to share it, I will see it turn people from sad, helpless, sinners, into love producing saints who have impact on others.  Give me the optimism I need to dare to reach out to new people with your word of grace and mercy.  Help me engage people in conversations and to kindly confront their emptiness and sadness with the hope you bring.  Make me an instrument of your life changing spiritual medicine for all humanity.  Amen.

One of the greatest acts of faith is to share God’s word because we trust it will work. 

Monday, February 20th

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”  Psalms 51:10

Lord God, You are gracious to me beyond my imagination.  You know my sin better than I know it.  You see it in my heart, even in their deepest corners.  You want me to be good and upright.  You want integrity and truth and honor and righteousness to come from my mouth and to be lived in my life.  But that isn’t often there either.  You know my sin and how I have failed to do the good you desire.  You know it all and, yet, you welcome me into your presence to confess.  You welcome me into your presence to beg for forgiveness and mercy.  And more than that, you also actually forgive.  You remove my sin and guilt.  You have done all that.  Father, you are gracious and merciful, always eager to forgive me.  I pray, O Spirit, do not just remove my sins but make me new.  Raise me up from this old, sinful way of life to live a new life for you today.  Restore my spirit and make me strong.  Restore my joy and put a spring in my step.  Clean me heart, O God, and raise me up to a new life.  Amen.

Jesus doesn’t just get us out of hell; it also makes us new.  Grace doesn’t just help us shed the weight of past sins; it raises us up to live a new life. 

Saturday, February 18th

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  Psalms 46:1

Dear Lord God, The seas in my life are roaring.  The ground underneath my feet is shaking.  The mountains crumbling.  All the things that would be foundational and certain in my life are unsure and uncertain.  And it’s terrifying.  I’m scared so I’m calling out to you, Lord, for you are a refuge and a strength for me.  You are the one certainty in this uncertain life.  You are the one constant in the constantly changing world.  You are the one powerful over all things especially when I am powerless to defend and protect myself, to change the course of my life, or to move.  Lord, the ground underneath my feet is shaking and the mountains are falling part, be my refuge and my strength.  Protect me from trouble.  Shield me from danger.  Use your mighty power to move mountains out of my way so that I might stand on a wide open and solid path.  And most of all, even while the mountains are falling, calm my heart with your steady grip on my life.  You will not let me fall or fail.  You will not forsake me; you are an ever-present helper in trouble.  You are my safe place.  Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.  Amen.

While the world is falling apart around me, my God will not fail me.  He is my refuge, my fortress, my ever-present Helper

Friday, February 17th

“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.”  Psalms 34:1

Dear Lord God, You have been my Savior and Redeemer through every generation.  Before the oceans were born, before you brought forth the earth and the world, you were there and had laid out my life.  You know all my days before even one of them came to be.  I have so much to thank you for, O Father, for the way you have intervened in my past to bring me to faith.  You put me into a Christian family; you surrounded me with Christians who would baptize me, who would teach me, who would correct, comfort and encourage me.  You have brought me to this new day full of faith.  And I know that in this present day you will continue to do what you have done in the past.  You have put me where you have wanted me in my life and in my relationships.  You are using other people and events to shape me.  You are using me to shape other people and to impact my community in ways that I am not even aware.  I am confident of the future not only because of your promises but because of your past faithfulness.  You have not once let me down.  Your Word assures me that you will not once let me down.  Even when things do not go the way I imagine and even when circumstances are not pleasant or pleasing.  I trust your Word.  In my heart, O God.  I have so much for which I might praise you.  Amen.

I have reasons to praise God because of his past work in my life, because of his present working, and the promise of his future intervention in my life. 

Thursday, February 16th

“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Thessalonians 1:3

Dear Jesus, I can relate to Paul because I know people you have put in my life who work hard at their callings because they believe in you.  Their deep love makes them serve people faithfully.  I know others who endure in the faith even in the most scary trials.  They hope in you even when they cannot see you.  Their lives encourage me.  I see them as a gift from you.  It’s a privilege to know them.  I long to be like them.  You know who they are.  Bless them with greater faith, hope and love, so they are filled with everything they need in their hearts to persevere.  Cause their lives to impact many more people and cascade their good deeds into the lives of others who will imitate them even as they imitate you.  Amen.

If you are touched by the godly life of someone else, tell them so.  

Wednesday, February 15th

“Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear-not by heaven or by earth or by anything else.  All you need to say is a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Otherwise you will be condemned.”  James 5:12

Dear Lord, You cannot abide people thinking they can control their lives.  So, when we swear we will do this or that, you are disturbed.  You give us breath and you take it away.  Without your blessing all of our plans are a house of cards.  Help us to learn to live in dependence on you.  We know that your plans for our lives will prevail no matter what we decide to do.  We will be thankful for what you send our way because it fits your grand plan to reach all people with your good news.  Amen.

Don’t ask God to bless your plans.  Ask him to plan your blessings. 

Tuesday, February 14th

“A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Dear Jesus, I can get so hung up in the history of a relationship that I forget your one simple command to love that other person.  As sinners we will always let each other down, misunderstand and frustrate one another.  We can get lost in remembering the negative tone or the hurtful remark too.  And remembering makes it so hard to love.  But when you ignore the history because of grace, that’s when love is possible in all relationships.  You have that love for me.  Help me have it for the “others” in my life.  And help them have this love for me.  This forgiving and refreshing love, the kind that gives and forgives, is the physical evidence of our spiritual relationship with you.  Give me that love always for every person I meet.  Amen.

Love doesn’t need the other person to do or be anything special in order to respond well. 

Monday, February 13th

“Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.  ‘Make level paths for your feet,’ so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.”  Hebrews 12:12-13

Dear Father, Now is not a time for me to be afraid.  Now is not a time for me to shrink back.  Now is not a time for me shrivel up in the face of difficulty, of trouble, or of your fatherly discipline.  Now is not a time for that.  You are my Father and you are working in my life for my eternity and to shape me into your likeness.  You are my Savior and you have made me holy for this life and for your service.  Now is not a time for me to be wimpy and weak.  Forgive me for this timidly and meekness.  This fearful heart of mine is not born of you.  It is born of my own heart and life.  I have nothing about myself to be confident in.  I know myself.  And the life of faith is hard.  I do not have the strength.  So, I pray, Father, strengthen me for this life of faith.  Raise up a courageous heart in me.  Give me grit and and strength to carry on even when it is difficult.  I am your child.  Strengthen me for this life so that I might rise up and live as your child in it.  Amen. 

Now is not a time for me to shrink back.  I am the Father’s child.  Now is a time to rise up with courage, grit, strength and confidence. 

Saturday, February 11th

“By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.”  Hebrews 11:27

Dear Father, I notice some striking similarities when I read through these heroes of faith chapter of the Bible.  I notice the way that all of these heroes of the faith live.  I noticed their bold, confident, and unafraid of way of life that they lived.  They made choices in their lives because they were living by faith in you.  They made choices about the things they were going to do because they were living by faith in your power and in your promises.  That’s not often the way I live, Father.  I often make decisions because of fear, because of what feels good to me in the moment, because of the pressure that others put on me, because of a host of reasons other than the ones that are mine by faith.  Forgive me for this and help me to live like Moses.  He roared like a lion and was unafraid of the king’s anger.  He faced him with a lion heart because he saw you.  He saw your power.  He saw your promise.  He saw your compassion and love.  Help me to see this by faith even though it is invisible to my eyes.  Help me to see this by faith and live my life accordingly.  Faith alone is what saves me.  But where there is faith, there is a new way of life.  Work that in my heart and life, O Spirit.  Amen.

Faith lives boldly, confidently, and like a lion because it trusts in God who is able to do all things. 

Friday, February 10th

“What you have seen with your eyes do not bring hastily to court, for what will you do in the end if your neighbor puts you to shame?”  Proverbs 25:8

Dear Heavenly Father, I live in a society quick to point out sin and prone to sue for damages.  I’m not sure many Christians even know that this passage is in your word.  You do not promise to help us with every claim we bring to court.  You would rather have us depend on you in prayer, to love our neighbor as ourselves and to forgive instead of expose faults.  Give us faithful and humble hearts that seek your face when we are hurt and are slow to sue our neighbor.  Help us remember that you satisfied your own justice so you would never have to condemn us in your heavenly court.  Make us imitators of your justifying love.  Amen.

A mark of faith is a peaceful and forgiving heart.

Thursday, February 9th

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”  Proverbs 24:3-4

Dear Heavenly Father, How tempted we are to focus on the outward home you provide.  Our culture teaches us to chase the American dream of home ownership, well furnished with the best and most refreshed accessories.  We are even tempted to go into debt to have more or to be sad that it will be a long time before get what we want.  How shallow this perspective makes us!  You show us in your word how a home is truly made a wonderful place.  It’s wisdom, understanding, and spiritual knowledge.  When we get how to trust you for your goodness, we cease fighting for what we want.  When we understand that releasing each other from guilt through apology and forgiveness we start to understand the secrets to a good relationship.  When we know the will of God and trust it enough to avoid sin, we will show knowledge that guides us away from fateful decisions.  Our homes will be safe, strong and peaceful.  They will be decorated by grace and beauty that no big box store could provide.  Oh, Jesus, make our homes this wonderful haven you promise.  Amen.

A home made by God has his homeowner’s warranty, promising to fix whatever befalls the people there.

Wednesday, February 8th

“Rich and poor have this in common:  The LORD is the Maker of them all.”  Proverbs 22:2

Dear Lord, How often have I sat in my car waiting for the light to turn green and looked over to see a homeless person panhandling and thought, “I’m glad my life is better than that.”?  There’s a fine line between, “I’m glad my life is different” and “I’m glad I am different.”  The latter is deadly.  You are the maker of all people and in your eyes we all panhandle on the side of your road.  We beg you for handouts in our prayers.  We put ourselves in this predicament and we deserve nothing from your hand.  But daily you roll down the window and hurl out your Son, our jobs, our friends and our endless opportunities to succeed.  Thank you for your condescending grace that blesses us poor beggars.  Never let me look at anyone standing beside my two-ton blessing on wheels, as anything other than an equal soul, loved by you and put there for me to love too.  Amen.

All humans are cut from the same lumber.  God can salvage any one of us for his heavenly furniture.

Tuesday, February 7th

“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!”  Hebrews 9:14

Lord God, I can hardly imagine the pressure that the Old Testament regulations and rules placed on the worshipper, on the priest, on all of the people.  They had to keep on bringing the sacrifices and they had to keep on bringing them the right way and at the right time.  It was a never-ending stream of sacrifices.  I can hardly imagine that pressure, but I do understand it.  Because, dear Father, I sometimes feel that same pressure about my life.  I feel a pressure to do the right things at the right time and in the right way so that I will not fail you and let you down.  I feel that same pressure to do the right things so that I do not fail others and let them down.  I feel a pressure to do a little bit more, to work a little bit harder, to make up for wrongs that I’ve committed.  But this verse sets me free, Father.  Your blood, O Jesus, has cleansed my conscience from acts that lead to death.  You have cleansed me from sin.  And, moreover, you have done all that the Father required.  And now, through your blood, which is better than any blood of bulls or goats, I can just go out and live my life for you and others.  I’m not trying to measure up because I already do.  I’m not trying to get your applause and pleasure because I already have it.  I’m not working to get my freedom; I already have it.  Thank you, Father, for setting me free to serve you.  Amen.

There is no pressure on the Christian life to do the right thing.  That pressure was removed when Jesus shed his blood.  Now, because of his blood we are set free to do the right thing.

Monday, February 6th

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.” Hebrews 6:19

Dear God Almighty, There is so much in this world and in my life that is uncertain and unsecured.  There is so much in my own heart that is tossed by circumstances in life.  Sometimes I feel like I am a ball in the ocean tossed here and there by the waves without any real mooring.  Things happen in my life and I have absolutely no control over them.  More than that the word and promise of people in my life is a shaky foundation at best.  The best and most true person in my life makes promises and lacks the ability to follow through even though they truly want to.  Father, this makes my life uncertain and my heart insecure.  But Father in your Word you give me a promise that is an anchor for my soul.  You do not change and so your promises do not change.  Your power controls all things and so I know that when you make a promise not only do you have the power to carry it out.  You have sworn an oath to me and you will not change your mind.  You have sent your Son to remove my sin and my guilt.  You have sent your Son to open the kingdom of heaven to me, yes, to me.  In him and in you alone do I set my hope.  In this world this is the anchor for my soul.  It is firm and secure.  Make this a mooring for my heart and soul today, dear Lord, that I would not anxious or upset, that I would not be worried or afraid, but would instead put my trust in you and in your unchanging Word.  Amen.

Since God’s word is unchanging and his power is almighty, the promises that he makes to us are an anchor for our souls; it is firm and secure.