“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” Psalms 40:2-3
Lord God, You have completely and thoroughly changed my fortunes and my outlook for my life. And sometimes I don’t even realize it and it doesn’t even hit me. It happened in my life before I was even aware. At my baptism, Lord God, you snatched me from the jaws of hell and brought me into your family. You lifted me out of the slimy pit and rescued me. You set my feet on a rock, solid place so that I might stand. You filled me with songs and praise to you. O Lord, so often I lose sight of this great rescue. Life with its every flowing stream of activities and responsibility distracts me from your greatness and from my firm standing. And, Lord, I hate to confess this, but since I have been your child for many years and know well your gospel, I easily and quickly think to myself, “I’ve heard all of this before.” Too many times, Lord, I lose my awe at your grace and your goodness. I do not stand back with a sense of awe at all you have done for me. Restore this to me, Lord. You have so thoroughly changed my future and my fortunes. You have so completely changed my footing and my destiny. Help me to lift up my head and to live with the confidence and the outlook on life that only becomes because of the footing you have given me and the fortune you have laid out for me. Amen.