“The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.” Psalms 34:15
Lord God, My kids always want me to be watching them. “Did you see that?” “Are you watching?” When they are scared, when they are proud, when they are excited, when they need help and support, when they have a question-throughout their life in both good and in bad times they want my attention. When I’m watching they feel loved. When I’m watching it increases their joy and their pride. How good it is, God, to know that your eyes are always on me. You are watching me to protect me from trouble. You are watching me to guard and guide the course of my life. You are close to me in my trouble. When I call out, you answer. When I cry out to you, you hear me. And it’s the same when I’m excited and thankful for the course of my life. You are right there to voice your approval. You are right there to rejoice with me in the good things that you’re doing. And more than that, just as my children have more confidence to try things because I am watching, I am filled with confidence because I know that whatever situation I enter into, Father, I know that you are watching me. Father, I am glad that your eyes are always on me and that you are close to me my whole life. With your eyes on me and your ears open to me, fill me confidence and greater joy as I live for you. Amen.
Kids want their parent’s attention. It assures them that they are loved, are heard, and are protected. It fills them with confidence to go and do hard things. Our Father’s eyes are on us. His attention to us assures us that we are loved, are heard, and are protected. It fills us with confidence to go and do hard things because we’re never doing it alone.