Thursday, June 1st

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.  And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.  For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”  Colossians 1:15-20

Lord Jesus, I am simply in awe of you.  I came into this day worried and concerned about many things.  There are things going on in my life that are unmanageable and uncontrollable.  There are things going on in my life that seem to be falling apart.  But I know that they are not because you are not.  You are managing, ruling, controlling all things.  You are not falling apart.  In fact, you are holding all things together with your almighty power.  It is simply astounding.  Help me today, dear Jesus, to stand back in awe of who you are and what you do.  Help me today, dear Jesus, to see your power, your might, your supremacy, your all-controlling power and might.  You are fully God, ruling over all things for me.  Set my heart at rest because of your great power and might, your deep care, love and salvation for me.  Amen.

The Jesus that we see walking around, teaching, healing, saving, rescuing, casting out demons, and raising the dead is true God. 

Wednesday, May 31st

“Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so, the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you, as you have said.  Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that the LORD, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.”  Amos 5:14-15

Dear Heavenly Father, You have created and saved me by your unconditional grace.  It’s the foundation of my life.  I am safe in your love and therefore I have faith in you and your goodness.  But I see in your word here and I believe it in my heart that your righteous expectation for me is that I would honor you and your grace by championing morality, goodness, loyalty, friendship, generosity and justice.  You want me to be all those things in my family, my work, my church, my community and my world.  When I respond to your grace with a grace- influenced living, you are free to bless without embarrassing your justice.  What a wonderful thought your word puts forth!  You bless me so I will bless others and that frees you to bless me more as a testimony to your goodness.  Amen.

God is gracious and just and he blesses us with both. 

Tuesday, May 30th

“Those whom God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.  And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.”  Romans 8:29-30

Dear Jesus, This blows my mind; that you had me in your mind from all eternity, that you predestined me to be a believer, that you work tirelessly to make me like yourself, that you would call me your brother after all the ways I have failed you, that your declare me to be innocent so I can live from the power of perfection granted until I shine next to you in heaven.  This all blows my mind but I believe it and so I live in hope and not despair.  Amen.

Knowing our origin changes our destiny. 

Saturday, May 27th

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”  Colossians 1:13-14

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for all that you have done to rescue me from darkness and to bring me into your kingdom.  Thank you for redeeming me and giving me the full forgiveness of all my sins.  I know and believe that these things are already mine.  Help me to live today in the freedom that forgiveness gives; not taking advantage of this forgiveness, but striving to live in a new way because of it.  Help me to live today with the strength that your grace gives; striving with all the might you provide to serve and to bear fruit in every way.  Help me to walk as a child of your kingdom, worthy of that kingdom I have received already.  Dear Father, I am yours!  Help me to live as your child today and every day.  Amen.

The “already” of God’s kingdom and his forgiveness changes the way we live in the “not yet.” 

Friday, May 26th

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 1:13

Dear Jesus, What Peter tells us to do here takes great concentration.  Our lives here on earth are so full and fun.  Sometimes they are full of trouble.  Fun or trouble, they are full.  It’s not easy to set my heart fully on the grace that will be revealed when we all get to heaven with you.  I’m stuck in the here and now and the not yet.  But I hear Peter’s words and they get me thinking in your direction.  Help me to be more fully dedicated to waiting for glory than pursuing earthly glory here.  Make me heavenly minded.  Give me the wisdom to quit trying to make my family, my job, my church and my community a heaven on earth.  Just help me to love people more sincerely.  I know love and faith will give me peace in all circumstances.  To know I am destined for heaven by pure undeserved love is like having the biggest, fattest savings account.  Amen.

Eternal Trillion-ares.  That’s what we are!

Thursday, May 25th

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.  We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”  Colossians 1:9-12

Lord Jesus, Pour out your Holy Spirit on us.  I don’t always understand your Word or your will fully or perfectly.  And even if I have all the information, I don’t always understand how it all fits together.  Sometimes I feel that the saints of the Old Testament had all the pieces to the puzzle of your coming but didn’t know the times or places that the Holy Spirit was talking about.  There is so much about your Word, about your will, about my life, and about my living that I haven’t even begun to understand.  Fill me with an understanding of your will and a deep wisdom to be able to put that will to practice as I live my life and make sense of the path my life takes.  Pour out your Holy Spirit on me so that I can know you and your will better and more fully.  Amen.

While on earth we never get to the point where we understand perfectly or fully.  Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us with wisdom, with knowledge, and with understanding. 

Wednesday, May 24th

You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.”  Colossians 1:8

Lord Jesus, Thank you.  Thank you for the family into which you placed me.  You set me in a family and gave me parents so that I might know you and believe in you.  Thank you for the neighbors whom you have placed around me.  You put people around me in that neighborhood, at my work, in all sorts of places, and you used them to tell me about Jesus.  And not just that, but you want to use me so that they will know you.  Thank you for the pastors you have sent to serve me.  They work hard to preach and teach your Word to me.  Thank you, God, for your organizing work in my life.  You have arranged all things in my life and sent people into my life so that I would hear your gospel and believe.  Thank you.  I pray, keep me in this faith and use me so that many more may know the truth of your gospel.  Amen.

God could have gotten the gospel to us in all kinds of different ways.  He is God!  But he chose to use people to tell us about Jesus.  Thank God for those people today. 

Tuesday, May 23rd

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12

Dear Heavenly Father, I know my life is finite on this earth.  Help me to live this day as the treasure it really is.  I won’t get it back and there’s no guarantee that I will have that many more.  My times are in your hands.  Give me the wisdom to speak to those I love with the words you want me to say.  Help me have the courage to leave behind more for others than I try to leave piled up for myself.  Make my life more valuable after I am gone than when I am here because I leave behind your word and good deeds that bless long beyond my days.  And after it’s all said and done, give me the faith to value your Son’s life for me more than my life for him.  Amen.

Living selflessly in honor of God is re-gifting the best he has given you. 

Monday, May 22nd

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people-the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you.  In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world-just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.  You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.”  Colossians 1:3-8

Lord God, Thank you.  My heart overflows with thanks as I think about the dear people who share my faith and who worship with me every Sunday.  You have been working and continue to work in their hearts and lives for the gospel.  My heart overflows with thanks because of their kindness, their love not just to me but to others as well.  More than that, dear Father, my heart swells as I hear reports of what your gospel is doing in places like Africa and Asia, in places where I cannot go and do not live.  Your gospel has wings and it is flying through people to those places.  Give your servants in those places strength for the work you have given them to do.  Most of all, O Spirit, I thank you for winging your Word to me.  My faith is one of the greatest miracles of all.  Thank you for planting it in me and for sustaining it in me.  Keep me in this faith all the days of my life until I reach my home in heaven.  Keep me for the treasure you have stored up for me in heaven.  Amen.

The Gospel has wings!  It has winged its way to my heart and, like a trending topic, it is winging its way into all the world through God’s people.  Watch it fly! 

Saturday, May 20th

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”               2 Corinthians 5:17

Dear Lord Jesus, You have come to make me new.  I am not who I used to be though I certainly see dramatic glimpses of the old me.  It’s like an old habit that I can’t quite quit.  I just can’t seem to beat him.  My mind races and thinks thoughts that I know are false and untrue; I think thoughts about people and events that I should never be thinking.  Things come out of my mind that I am not only ashamed of, but I don’t know where they came from.  As much as I work on it I just can’t seem to control my tongue.  As much as I know what the wrong thing is and what the right thing is, Lord, I can’t.  And it’s so frustrating to me.  I want to follow you fully and completely.  I want my whole being to be used in service to you.  But it isn’t!  I’m sorry.  Make me new from the inside out.  Renew my mind by the teaching before my Father in heaven.  He receives me as his child because of you.  Keep making me new day by day so that I may live and walk as your child today and every day.  Amen.

The new life of a Christian is first a status before God, then it is a life lived by the constant renewing, resurrecting, and transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the power of Jesus on the inside. 

Friday, May 19th

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  Matthew 11:15

Lord Jesus, As I begin this year help me to hear your voice as you speak to me in your Word.  You come to me through inspired words of the Scriptures to teach me, to correct and rebuke me, to encourage me and build me.  You want to show me the length and width and depth and breadth of your love for me, of your power at work in me, and of your rule over all things.  Help me to hear Paul as if you were speaking.  Help me to listen as if you were the One who sits with me today and speaks.  If you were with me across the table, I would sit with rapt and careful attention.  I would take to heart the things that you say; I would take careful note, maybe even writing down the important things that you say to me.  I would take those things with me.  Through Paul and through your called servants you do speak to me like this.  Help me to hear you through your Word and through your called servants and take to heart the things that you say.  Your words are full of the Spirit and they are my life.  Amen.

Thursday, May 18th

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?”  Matthew 6:25-26

Dear Jesus, You had very little in this life and no savings to speak of, yet you didn’t worry about anything, not even when you could not see where your next meal came from.  I have so much more than you allowed yourself and yet worry nips at my heels often.  I find great strength in your words here.  You point me to the birds and remind me that I’m more valuable to you than they.  When worry comes calling to meet with me today I will tell him that I’m too busy chatting with faith.  Thanks for giving me something to do about my worry.  Amen.

Worry fills the vacuum when we shove God out of our hearts. 

Wednesday, May 17th

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  Colossians 2:6-7

Dear Jesus, I praise you for all that you are and all that you have done for me.  You have come from heaven.  While you were here you emptied yourself so that you might fill me with your fullness.  Though you are truly and fully God, you became man.  Now, you fill me with your fullness.  You have taken my sins away and were condemned for them so that I would not be condemned.  You erased the debt of sin that was against me.  You have raised me to life by your Spirit just as you came up from the grave on the third day.  You have made me dead to the world so that the things of this world mean less and less to me because you, dear Jesus, mean more and more to me.  I pray, by your Holy Spirit, keep planting me more and more firmly into your Word that I may truly understand and experience the fullness of you living in me.  Remind me again and again how fully my debt has been forgiven by you, how it is erased and that I have no more debt against you.  Give me roots of faith that grow deeper and deeper into you and into your Word.  That is the one thing I ask of you, dear Jesus.  Give me roots that run deep into you.  Amen.

The more we sink our roots into Jesus-who he is and what he has done-the less we are moved by the things of this world.  He is our everything; next to him this world has nothing to offer us. 

Tuesday, May 16th

“He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.”  Psalm 91:15

Dear God, There is trouble all around me.  There are challenges and obstacles around every corner.  The devil wants to destroy me.  He is always working in me, on me, and around me to destroy my faith, to destroy my ministry, to destroy my family, to destroy me.  He hates me and wants me dead to you.  Protect me from his evil darts.  Shield me with your angels, with your power, with your Word, so that his darts do not pierce me.  Send your angels to watch over my every footstep so that I do not fall into danger.  Yes, dear Lord, be my refuge, my strength, and my shelter from life’s storms.  I heart you here promising that my hope is not misplaced.  You promise that you will hear me and not just hear me but be with me and not just be with me in trouble but also deliver me.  You will not let me down today, tomorrow, or any day.  Stay close, dear Lord.   Guard me.  Guide me.  Protect me.  Amen.

Our trust in God is not misplaced.  He has done, is doing, and will do what he has promised that he would do. 

Monday, May 15th

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalms 90:12

Lord God, These days go so fast.  The fun days seems to pass the most quickly.  The difficult days seem to drag on, but they too move from day to day as fast as the sun rises and then sets again.  Decisions must happen in a split second.  Our attention and our time is divided up among many different things.  These days go so fast.  I look back at my life and wonder where it all went.  I look at my calendar and wonder how I could do it all differently.  I pray, Lord God, give me a heart of wisdom.  Give me a heart of wisdom so that I may make choices that honor and set you as the highest and only priority in my life.  Give me a heart of wisdom so that I cut the clutter from my life and live a life that shows that you are my number one.  Protect me from danger.  Shield me from harm.  And help me to live my life and make choices for my life (and for my family) that recognize life’s shortness and eternity’s closeness.  Each day is a gift from you.  Give me a heart of wisdom to honor you in it.  Amen.

Time is short.  Eternity is close.  Live a life that always keeps in mind life’s shortness and eternity’s closeness.  The Lord is near. 

Saturday, May 13th

“Look!  God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”  Revelation 21:3

O Immanuel, “God-with-us” is a name that takes on so many meanings to me.  It means that you have taken on human flesh and have joined the human race in an unimaginable way.  You took on our flesh, except for sin, and walked with us.  And that wasn’t all.  You took on our sin and made it your own and even died for it.  O Immanuel, you took up our cause and took away our death!  And that’s not all.  Here you give me a vision of day, a time, and a place where you will be with me and I will be with you.  We will talk together just like Adam and Eve walked with you in the garden.  At your ascension you went to prepare a place for me.  But never again!  You will be with me.  I, along with all who believe in you, will be with you and you will be with us.  O Immanuel!  I can’t wait for this day.  And that’s not all.  Until I reach my home with you and until you usher in your eternal and heavenly kingdom you will stay with me.  You promise to never leave nor forsake me.  You promise to give me help at the perfectly right time.  And because you took on my flesh you know what I’m facing and feeling; you can understand me and so help me in just the right way.  You aren’t a Savior who can’t relate to me.  You can fully relate to me, except for sin, and provide me the help that I need.  Stay with me today, dear Immanuel, and never leave my side.  Amen.

Immanuel is a name for Jesus that means God-with-us.  It means that he has taken on our human nature except for sin.  It means that God has come to dwell among his people.  It means that God will walk with his people.  It means that we are his people and that he is our God. 

Friday, May 12th

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  Luke 4:18-19

Dear Jesus, Your coming in the flesh has ushered in a whole new freedom, a whole new joy, a whole new seeing for me.  In you is life and light for all people.  I didn’t know how blind and dim my mind was to the ways of God until your Spirit came on me and gave me understanding.  I didn’t know how oppressed and imprisoned by sin and guilt I was until you came and washed my guilt away by your blood.  Now, dear Jesus, I long for the full, the free, and the true life that you came to bring.  Your Word helps me imagine this life of you where young men run without getting tired and where old men walk without growing weary.  Your Word helps me imagine this full and free life where there is perfect understanding and acceptance of everything that you have said.  I long for this, dear Jesus, because I know that I’m not living that life yet.  I am still carrying the baggage of my past, of sin, and of guilt on my shoulders even though I know and believe it has been forgiven.  It still weighs me down.  I am still carrying a pressure to perform and measure up even though I know and believe that in you I am completely pleasing in your sight.  Continue to come to me, dear Jesus, and send your Holy Spirit too!  Send him and open the eyes of my heart so that I may know the riches of my inheritance among the saints.  Open the eyes of my heart so that I may know the hope to which you have called me.  Open the eyes of my heart so that I may know and experience the power of your resurrection in my life.  Come, dear Jesus, and set me free so that I might live to the full for you now and for all eternity.  Amen.

We can imagine the full and free life now.  Jesus truly sets us free for it.  Later, we will fully experience and live the full and free life.  Jesus came to bring us to it. 

Thursday, May 11th

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”  Colossians 1:16

Lord Jesus, You are Lord of all.  You created all things and you put them all under your feet.  It is all created through you and for you.  I forget that part sometimes.  I think that it’s for me.  I think that it’s about me.  I think that everything revolves around me.  When in fact, the world, along with both everything and everyone in it, revolves around you.  You created this world and even me to magnify your glory and to be a reflection of who you are.  O dear Jesus, forgive me for this self-centered thinking.  Forgive me.  I do praise you that even in my self-centeredness you never stop ruling over all things.  I can’t screw it up (and I shouldn’t try!)  But I praise you that I don’t and I can’t.  You will always be over all and through all and in all.  In all things you remain Lord of all.  Amen.

On the one hand I shouldn’t sin, on the other hand I can’t screw it up.  Even in my sin, Jesus remains Lord of all. 

Wednesday, May 10th

“For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.”  Romans 12:3

Dear Jesus, Few burdens are as heavy to carry as self-awareness.  It’s painful to be honest about strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and idiosyncrasies.  So, most of us walk around with an unrealistic inflated view of ourselves.  But you see me as I really am and you want me to be real with myself.  Then I’ll be the best person for others.  Keep me honest and humble, Lord Jesus.  Don’t let me minimize or maximize my opinion, talents, strengths and weaknesses so that I make mistakes with people.  Just help me be a hardworking, loving me. 

Self-awareness begins with honest openness towards God’s word and will for our lives.