Tuesday, May 9th

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.  After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”  Hebrews 1:3

Dear Jesus, I forget how powerful you are.  I forget how much you truly rule all things.  I often live my life as if you were not in charge, as if it were up to me to protect, provide, and get things done.  I often think and live as if you were not in charge.  I fight for things as if they were mine to protect and keep and hold.  Dear Jesus, I often think and feel and live as if you were not in charge, as if you were not holding all things up with your mighty word.  Forgive me for this.  You are truly greater than all things.  You are truly holding all things by your mighty word.  You are truly sitting at God’s right-hand ruling over all things; all things are yours, not mine.  Forgive me for my sinful way of thinking and living.  Forgive me and keep on doing what only you can do.  Only you can hold this world up and hold this world together.  Only you can keep this world and my life from blowing up into disorder and chaos.  Only you can rule over all the events of this world and of my life.  And that’s the way it should be, dear Jesus.  You are wise.  You are good. You are gracious to me.  Even when I rebel against your rule, you do not turn from me but continue to rule by your might and mercy.  Forgive me.  And keep on ruling for my good today.  Take all the events of this day and order them by your might.  Redirect my thinking and my acting according to your will and your word.  Make this day yours because that is truly what it is.  This is your day and I get to live in it.  Establish your will and work in my life today, dear Jesus.  Amen.

We often live and act as if the world were ours to rule over and to own.  But it is not, It is His!  Jesus holds this world together with his word.  It is all his and he rules over it all from God’s right hand. 

Monday, May 8th

“Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”  Isaiah 53:1

Lord Jesus, It almost seems to outlandish, too crazy.  It’s too hard to believe and too hard to grasp for many.  Your appearance as a human being on this earth is hardly what was expected or even dreamed of.  You came as a mere human being and abuse after abuse was heaped upon you.  You took on the weaknesses and infirmities of the human body.  You carried our sorrow and our pain.  You looked so weak!  Especially when you were crushed for our sins.  Especially when the punishment for our sins was laid on your shoulders.  And then you were given a grave with the wicked in your death, but were buried in a rich man’s tomb.  The story of your coming into this world and your exodus from it is outlandish.  But it is the way by which you saved the whole world.  It is the way by which you took my punishment on yourself and rescued me from that punishment.  And by your Spirit I believe it.  And so do many others.  I believe what you have done for me is my salvation.  I have seen your mighty, saving arm, Lord, and it gives me joy.  Give me courage and strength to take this message to more and more people so that they may see and know what you have done.  Amen.

The message of the cross is unbelievable, but it is the only thing to believe.  Life comes only by faith in the life and death of the Son of God.

Saturday, May 6th

“You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.”  Isaiah 9:3

Lord God, Such joy is ours!  Such confidence is ours!  Such brightness comes to our hearts!  Such hope fills our hearts!    It’s like we get to stand at the edge of the harvest field and see the harvest ready to be gathered in.  It’s like the festival meal that we enjoy when the harvest has been gathered in.  It’s like when warriors gaze at the plunder and enjoy splitting it up.  Lord Jesus, you have come.  You have won the victory.  You have given me your Word.  You have given me your Spirit.  You have given me grace in place of grace already given.  When I was born into this world, you brought me into your family through baptism.  You clothed me with righteousness and gave me your name.  Still to this day you feed my soul through your word and enlighten my hope with the promises of your word.  And I know that into this day, in this week, into this month, and throughout the rest of my life you will do more than I can even begin to imagine.  I can’t wait to see what you will do.  Amen.

Our Savior Jesus will fill us with joy that we can barely begin to imagine.  We can compare it to the joy we experience at earthly things, but it doesn’t even come close to the full joy we’ll experience at his final coming. 

Friday, May 5th

“I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem; and the battle bow will be broken.  He will proclaim peace to the nations.  His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.”  Zechariah 9:10

Dear Jesus, This verse brings to my mind such images of you.  I picture you in the temple turning tables and casting out the money changers.  I can imagine your zeal.  I can imagine the flurry of your movements as you carried out your work.  Except, here I don’t see you in the temple.  I see you in a battle camp.  I see you overturning chariots and casting them easily to the side.  I see you setting warhorses free so that even if the chariots remained there would be nothing to pull them.  I imagine you grabbing spears and bows and arrows and breaking them over your knee.  I see you coming mightily and with great zeal.  And then, I see you standing up on top of the pile of rubble proclaiming peace over all the warriors.  I see you telling them that the war is over, that the battle is already done.  I can even hear the shouts and jubilation of the warriors as they listen to you.  They can’t contain their joy!  Lord Jesus, grant me the same joy as a warrior who has just heard that the war is over, that the battle has been won.  You have come and have completely destroyed all of my enemies.  You have broken their weapons over your knee.  You have made them completely impotent against me.  Grant me the joy of a soldier who knows that the war is over and he’s going home.  That is true for me.  Fill my heart with this joy.  And then, fill my mouth with that message.  There are so many people who yet need to know of your grace and mercy to them, to the whole world.  Help me to spread it loud so that my joy may grow as we share this joy of peace together.  Amen.

Jesus is a warrior king.  He has come and has won peace for all people.  The war is over.  Set down your weapons and enjoy the peace with God that Jesus brings. 

Thursday, May 4th

“I will search for the lost and bring back the strays.  I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy.  I will shepherd the flock with justice.”  Ezekiel 34:16

Lord God, Guard and care for your sheep.  There are so many poor shepherds, so many poor pastors, who cannot and do not care for their sheep as they ought.  False teaching.  A heavy hand.  Neglect.  A lack of tender care.  A poor handling of your word.  Even the best of your shepherds are frail and sinful.  The best of them harm your sheep even without intending to.  Lord Jesus, you must shepherd your sheep as only you can.  Guard and care for them.  When they are chased from the flock, run after them and bring them back.  When they are wounded by poor shepherds or other angry sheep, bind them up and strengthen them.  Rise up, O Shepherd, guard and keep your sheep.  Protect them from all who would harm their body and this soul.  Amen.

Sin ensures that people think only about themselves and you are pushed to the side.  The Shepherd ensures that there is always One whose only concern is you. 

Wednesday, May 3rd

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits-who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.”  Psalm 103:1-5

Dear Heavenly Father, When I take time to count all the blessings you have granted me in physical and spiritual life, I get more and more content and less agitated about minor problems each day.  You have taken care of my needs, forgiven my sins and healed my diseases.  You have given good friends, good family, a good job and a great church.  I feel younger and more at peace the more I think about the blessings.  Help me live in this life-giving attitude of gratitude about your goodness, so I learn to make others happy from my cheerfulness.  Amen.

Joy is the one infectious disease that heals rather than hurts. 

Tuesday, May 2nd

“I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.”  Jeremiah 23:4

Lord God, This is such a comforting promise from you.  I am concerned for my brothers and sisters.  I do not want anything to happen in their walk of faith so that they turn from you.  I am concerned for my children and my spouse.  I do not want them to leave you.  My heart breaks for people who do not yet know you.  I do not want them to suffer hell forever.  I am worried about my friends and the people who go to my church.  I want them to believe in you and be found in the home you have prepared for all your people.  I pray, dear Jesus, do what you promise.  Gather them and make sure that none of them go missing.  Keep them safe so that they are not afraid or terrified.  Send them shepherds who will watch over them and care for their souls.  I love them, but you love them more.  I care for them, but you have power and compassion to actually do what you promise.  Save them, dear Jesus.  Do what you must as their Good Shepherd to keep them in your grasp until they reach eternity.  Amen.

As parents, as friends, as spouses, as siblings, we care deeply about the eternal destiny of those we love.  Jesus cares more.  He gave his life for them and will do what he must to save them. 

Monday, May 1st

"The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites.  You must listen to him.”  Deuteronomy 18:15

Dear Heavenly Father, You had Moses tell your people that your Son was coming.  You wanted them to listen to Jesus when he came.  At Jesus baptism you said the same thing, “Listen to him.”  Help me to look for his words in the New Testament and to listen with my heart to exactly what he meant by what he said.  Help me to see his love, his truth, his power to change my life and his friendship through every circumstance.  Help me to want to be like him and to follow his way of life in serving others in bigger than life ways.  And most all, help me to listen to him when he says, “I forgive you.”  Amen.

The one thing needed more than any other:  Listen to Jesus!

Saturday, April 29th

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.” Jeremiah 31:31

Father, You are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  A father disciplines his child to train him, to teach him, to raise him up as his child, to teach him how to live in this world and with other people, and to help him to know who you are.  In the same way, Father, you discipline us so that we might know you, believe in you, and walk in your ways.  There are moments when you send us away to teach us.  That’s what you did for your people.  There were times when you sent them away.  There were times when you sent trouble on them to train them and help them to know who you are.  But here you powerfully promise to turn back the trouble and the misfortune.  Here you promise to be their God forever.  You promise to restore them and bring them back.  Father, you are truly a Father to me.  Discipline me, Father, but not in anger.  Train me to know you and to follow you.  Keep me from sin and unbelief so that it does not destroy me.  Restore me and, in my heart, give me the full joy of my salvation.  Father, you are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  Do what you have promised and keep me as your child.  Do what you have promised and keep your covenant with me for all eternity.  Amen.

God promises to be our God for all eternity.  Nothing can undo what God has promised for when he has spoken a promise he cannot and will not change his mind. 

Friday, April 28th

“I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”  John 15:5

Dear Jesus, You were about to die the next day.  But you had us in mind the entire time.  You saw how we overestimate our ability to handle life and put everything on our own shoulders.  You knew we don’t normally see you for who you are.  So, you reminded us that you are the vine.  You are our source of life, of spiritual strength, of spiritual truth, of insight and love and the power to bear good thoughts, deeds and words, even in a tough situation.  You are our vine.  I want to stay connected to you today so you can bear fruit through me.  I have some tough situations and challenges facing me.  But you are my source of strength.  I feed off of you.  So, use your word and your Holy Spirit and anyone else you wish to pour through me the blessings you want me to be to others.  Amen.

We are never the source, only the conduit.  

Thursday, April 27th

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”  Micah 5:2

O Father, Your works and your plan continue to amaze me.  You are a God of the unexpected and surprising.  No one could have or would have anticipated or even imagined that a King would have come from the clan of Judah or from the little town of Bethlehem.  No one would have expected this.  Yet this is your promise.  You promised that the little town of Bethlehem would be the place where the King who would save and then rule all the nations would be born.  And then you carried it out!  You did not fail in your promise.  You arranged a census and a relocation for the parents of our Savior.  You arranged a place for him to be born and a manger in which he might be laid.  O almighty God, your works and your plan to continue to amaze me.  Though I do not have specifics like this for my own life, lead me to look forward to each tomorrow that you grant me with hope and expectation.  Yes, lead me to look forward to this today with the same hope and expectation.  I know that you have a plan for it; I just don’t know what it is yet.  But when your plans are revealed in my life, I can’t wait to see what they are.  All that you do is better than I might imagine.  I can’t wait, Father.  Keep on doing the amazing things that you do for me.  Amen.

God’s plans and his works are beyond our imagination and better than we might dream.  Wait on him on the edge of your seat.  You can’t imagine what good he has in store for you. 

Wednesday, April 26th

“In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious.”  Isaiah 11:10

Dear Father, I see your banner!  I see it standing high on the hill.  I look at the cross of Jesus and I gaze at his empty tomb and my heart is overwhelmed with joy and with rest.  I see all of his enemies (and mine too!) lying under his feet.  I see justice executed on your enemies and vindication given to me.  I feel his hand on my shoulder raising me up as a justified and righteous child of God.  I see your banner on the hill of Calvary and I long for the day when there will be complete peace throughout this world, when there will be complete and total peace in your eternal kingdom.  Dear Father, I see your banner and long for the day when the multitude of your people will be gathered to your side.  Dear Father, I can’t wait for that day.  Hurry and come, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

The first coming of Jesus brought victory for all.  The coming again of Jesus brings judgment to all his enemies and peace to all of his people. 

Tuesday, April 25th

“In fact, the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.”  Hebrews 8:6

Dear Jesus, Jesus your ministry and your work is so much better than anything and anyone else.  Moses did a ministry and gave us a covenant that was all doing and all working.  And it was too much.  It was not something I could do or carry out.  It was not something that was possible for any of us to do it.  You were the only one who could do it.  You kept all of Moses’ laws given on the mountain.  You kept and completely fulfilled this old covenant to the very smallest part.  And so, you gave and brought to us a brand-new covenant, a better covenant, one that is based on promises not commands.  Your ministry is one of saving, of forgiving, of renewing and restoring.  Your covenant is one that doesn’t demand things from us, but rather gives this to us.  Jesus your ministry is so much better.  Help me to live freely and at peace under this new covenant and to enjoy the ministry of it.  Help me to live out your commands knowing that all the demands have all already been met.  Amen.

Moses gave us a covenant and a command that we were required to carry out.  Jesus gave us a covenant and a promise that he had carried out and is carrying out.  We live under him in his kingdom-all demands already met. 

Monday, April 24th

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.”  Jeremiah 32:31

Father, You are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  A father disciplines his child to train him, to teach him, to raise him up as his child, to teach him how to live in this world and with other people, and to help him to know who you are.  In the same way, Father, you discipline us so that we might know you, believe in you, and walk in your ways.  There are moments when you send us away to teach us.  That’s what you did for your people.  There were times when you sent them away.  There were times when you sent trouble on them to train them and help them to know who you are.  But here you powerfully promise to turn back the trouble and the misfortune.  Here you promise to be their God forever.  You promise to restore them and bring them back.  Father, you are truly a people to me.  Discipline me, Father, but not in anger.  Train me to know you and to follow you.  Keep me from sin and unbelief so that it does not destroy me.  Restore me and, in my heart, give me the full joy of my salvation.  Father, you are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  Do what you have promised and keep me as your child.  Do what you have promised and keep your covenant with me for all eternity.  Amen.

God promises to be our God for all eternity.  Nothing can undo what God has promised for when he has spoken a promise he cannot and will not change his mind. 

Saturday, April 22nd

“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius.  So, when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more.  But each one of them also received a denarius.  When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.  ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’  But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend.  Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius?  Take your pay and go.  I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you.  Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money?  Or are you envious because I am generous?’  So, the last will be first, and the first will be last.”  Matthew 20:9-16

Dear Jesus, You worked really hard to teach us that you have a grace-based relationship with every single soul.  I am prone to want grace for me, but when it comes to others, I want it all to be about fairness and justice.  So, I tend to compare how you bless me with how you bless them.  It always gets me into mental trouble.  You are a loving and gracious God.  You want all people to be saved.  So, make me that way too.  Help me not to separate myself from others in my mind as if I deserved more.  I don’t.  What I have in life is because you are gracious.  What others have rides on that same grace.  Help me be a champion of that grace and to teach it freely to everyone around me.  Amen.

No one is blessed by God for living right.  It’s all because he has mind blowing patience and grace with all sinners. 

Friday, April 21st

“Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.  For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? “Luke 12:22-26

Dear Jesus, It seems so counter intuitive that you would not encourage us to think about food and clothing.  They are such basic necessities.  But what a free life you have called us to?  You want us to be concerned with faith, relationships, truth, salvation, love and hope.  I believe you when you say we can actually live like the ravens and not be concerned of earthly sustenance.  Help me to live in the freedom of being cared for like the ravens.  I find it fascinating that you point to that scavenger bird as a model of faith that we should look up to and emulate.  Give me the faith to follow your promises into the free life of total dependence on you, even while I work and seek education to better myself in this life.  Amen.

Check the owner's manual.  We were not designed to worry, only live and serve.

Thursday, April 20th

“Who is this King of glory?  The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.”  Psalms 24:8

Lord God, The questions that David asks lead me to ponder more fully and more deeply who you are.  Who is the King of glory who comes?  Ah, Lord, you are strong and mighty.  You are the God who created the earth, the world and everything in it.  You are the God who laid the foundation for this world and all who in live in it.  You are the God to whom everything belongs.  Jesus, you are the Savior who tames the seas and commands the demons and sends them to the place where they belong.  You are the Savior who sets prisoners free, who gives sight to the blind, who gives hearing to the deaf, and speech to the mute.  You are the Savior who gave his life to redeem me and the whole world.  Who is this King of glory?  You are the God who rises up to defeat all of my enemies for me.  You are mighty in battle.  You are a warrior god who fights for me, for my salvation, for my safety, for my course in life.  You are a warrior God who fights and wins.  Thank you, Father, for these inspired questions that lead me to meditate on you and your greatness.  Help me to rise up today to greet you.  Amen.

Our King is a mighty, warrior King who rises up to defeat our enemies, who fights for our salvation, for our safety.  Our King is the almighty God who owns and rules all things for his people. 

Wednesday, April 19th

The goat will carry on itself sins to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness.”   Leviticus 16:22

Dear Jesus, There are times when I read through the book of Leviticus and am completely overwhelmed by all the details and confused by the acts, the rites and rituals that God wanted his people to do.  But this much I understand.  You, God, are holy!  And unholy people and unholy things can’t just waltz into your presence.  You made it abundantly clear to Aaron in this chapter that he couldn’t just come in.  Atonement had to be made.  Blood had to be shed.  Sins had to be removed and sent away.  These things were not optional if Aaron and the people wanted to be able to approach God.  Jesus, you have done the same for me.  There was and is nothing that I can do that will make the way for me to enter God’s presence.  But you have made atonement for me and shed your blood to remove my guilt.  You, dearest Jesus, have taken my sin on yourself and have taken it into the wilderness, as far away from me as the east is from the west.  And now, because of you alone, I can enter God’s presence.  Now, because of you, I can approach you.  Thank you.  Thank you for the joy of coming close to you.  Thank you for the privilege of approaching you in prayer.  I can come all the way into your most holy presence because my sins and guilt are removed.  Amen.

God makes it absolutely clear that sin separates us from him.  He makes it just as clear that sin is removed by the blood of Jesus alone.  It is for this reason alone that Jesus came into this world at Christmas: to shed his blood for me, for you, for all. 

Tuesday, April 18th

“How Long Lord?  Will you forget me forever?  How long will you hide your face from me?  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?  How long will my enemy triumph over me?”  Psalm 13:1-2

Dear Heavenly Father, I can feel all alone when I’m suffering from health problems or some situation outside of my control.  I pray and pray and never hear a sound from you.  I know you love me along with everyone else but I still often feel it would be more loving for you to audibly comfort and guide me.  It’s comforting to meet David in this psalm and see he had the same frustration while suffering.  You promise to speak to my soul through your word.  Help me find your voice there and to trust your unfailing love no matter how long I must wait for answers or rescue.  I trust you as my Savior and I will wait patiently for your help and rescue.  Amen.

God is worthy of our love and trust even when we cannot make any sense out of our lives under his heaven.

Monday, April 17th

“They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.”  John 16:2

 Dear Jesus, Thanks for letting us know that sometimes we will even suffer at the hands of those who think they are doing you a favor.  It plays a dirty trick on my mind to have someone mark me as evil and think they represent you when they are criticizing or persecuting me.  Help Christians everywhere listen to your words of comfort.  We cannot get our clarity from what others are saying, especially those who are persecuting us.  We have to listen to you.  It seems impossible for a person who hates out of “faith” to have the ability to be converted.  But nothing is impossible for you.  So, help me to love, forgive and actively serve even those who hurt me in the name of God.  My righteousness comes from you.  I will wait patiently for you to work everything out.  Amen.

Always get your affirmation from the promises of God and not the acceptance or rejection of mere mortals.