“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15
Lord Jesus, As I begin this year help me to hear your voice as you speak to me in your Word. You come to me through inspired words of the Scriptures to teach me, to correct and rebuke me, to encourage me and build me. You want to show me the length and width and depth and breadth of your love for me, of your power at work in me, and of your rule over all things. Help me to hear Paul as if you were speaking. Help me to listen as if you were the One who sits with me today and speaks. If you were with me across the table, I would sit with rapt and careful attention. I would take to heart the things that you say; I would take careful note, maybe even writing down the important things that you say to me. I would take those things with me. Through Paul and through your called servants you do speak to me like this. Help me to hear you through your Word and through your called servants and take to heart the things that you say. Your words are full of the Spirit and they are my life. Amen.