Wednesday, May 17th

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  Colossians 2:6-7

Dear Jesus, I praise you for all that you are and all that you have done for me.  You have come from heaven.  While you were here you emptied yourself so that you might fill me with your fullness.  Though you are truly and fully God, you became man.  Now, you fill me with your fullness.  You have taken my sins away and were condemned for them so that I would not be condemned.  You erased the debt of sin that was against me.  You have raised me to life by your Spirit just as you came up from the grave on the third day.  You have made me dead to the world so that the things of this world mean less and less to me because you, dear Jesus, mean more and more to me.  I pray, by your Holy Spirit, keep planting me more and more firmly into your Word that I may truly understand and experience the fullness of you living in me.  Remind me again and again how fully my debt has been forgiven by you, how it is erased and that I have no more debt against you.  Give me roots of faith that grow deeper and deeper into you and into your Word.  That is the one thing I ask of you, dear Jesus.  Give me roots that run deep into you.  Amen.

The more we sink our roots into Jesus-who he is and what he has done-the less we are moved by the things of this world.  He is our everything; next to him this world has nothing to offer us.