Wednesday, May 24th

You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.”  Colossians 1:8

Lord Jesus, Thank you.  Thank you for the family into which you placed me.  You set me in a family and gave me parents so that I might know you and believe in you.  Thank you for the neighbors whom you have placed around me.  You put people around me in that neighborhood, at my work, in all sorts of places, and you used them to tell me about Jesus.  And not just that, but you want to use me so that they will know you.  Thank you for the pastors you have sent to serve me.  They work hard to preach and teach your Word to me.  Thank you, God, for your organizing work in my life.  You have arranged all things in my life and sent people into my life so that I would hear your gospel and believe.  Thank you.  I pray, keep me in this faith and use me so that many more may know the truth of your gospel.  Amen.

God could have gotten the gospel to us in all kinds of different ways.  He is God!  But he chose to use people to tell us about Jesus.  Thank God for those people today.