Tuesday, April 25th

“In fact, the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.”  Hebrews 8:6

Dear Jesus, Jesus your ministry and your work is so much better than anything and anyone else.  Moses did a ministry and gave us a covenant that was all doing and all working.  And it was too much.  It was not something I could do or carry out.  It was not something that was possible for any of us to do it.  You were the only one who could do it.  You kept all of Moses’ laws given on the mountain.  You kept and completely fulfilled this old covenant to the very smallest part.  And so, you gave and brought to us a brand-new covenant, a better covenant, one that is based on promises not commands.  Your ministry is one of saving, of forgiving, of renewing and restoring.  Your covenant is one that doesn’t demand things from us, but rather gives this to us.  Jesus your ministry is so much better.  Help me to live freely and at peace under this new covenant and to enjoy the ministry of it.  Help me to live out your commands knowing that all the demands have all already been met.  Amen.

Moses gave us a covenant and a command that we were required to carry out.  Jesus gave us a covenant and a promise that he had carried out and is carrying out.  We live under him in his kingdom-all demands already met.