Tuesday, May 9th

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.  After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”  Hebrews 1:3

Dear Jesus, I forget how powerful you are.  I forget how much you truly rule all things.  I often live my life as if you were not in charge, as if it were up to me to protect, provide, and get things done.  I often think and live as if you were not in charge.  I fight for things as if they were mine to protect and keep and hold.  Dear Jesus, I often think and feel and live as if you were not in charge, as if you were not holding all things up with your mighty word.  Forgive me for this.  You are truly greater than all things.  You are truly holding all things by your mighty word.  You are truly sitting at God’s right-hand ruling over all things; all things are yours, not mine.  Forgive me for my sinful way of thinking and living.  Forgive me and keep on doing what only you can do.  Only you can hold this world up and hold this world together.  Only you can keep this world and my life from blowing up into disorder and chaos.  Only you can rule over all the events of this world and of my life.  And that’s the way it should be, dear Jesus.  You are wise.  You are good. You are gracious to me.  Even when I rebel against your rule, you do not turn from me but continue to rule by your might and mercy.  Forgive me.  And keep on ruling for my good today.  Take all the events of this day and order them by your might.  Redirect my thinking and my acting according to your will and your word.  Make this day yours because that is truly what it is.  This is your day and I get to live in it.  Establish your will and work in my life today, dear Jesus.  Amen.

We often live and act as if the world were ours to rule over and to own.  But it is not, It is His!  Jesus holds this world together with his word.  It is all his and he rules over it all from God’s right hand.