Monday, May 1st

"The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites.  You must listen to him.”  Deuteronomy 18:15

Dear Heavenly Father, You had Moses tell your people that your Son was coming.  You wanted them to listen to Jesus when he came.  At Jesus baptism you said the same thing, “Listen to him.”  Help me to look for his words in the New Testament and to listen with my heart to exactly what he meant by what he said.  Help me to see his love, his truth, his power to change my life and his friendship through every circumstance.  Help me to want to be like him and to follow his way of life in serving others in bigger than life ways.  And most all, help me to listen to him when he says, “I forgive you.”  Amen.

The one thing needed more than any other:  Listen to Jesus!