Saturday, April 15th

“So the Lord God said…” Genesis 3:14, 16, 17

God Almighty, Your word is full of so much power.  It was your Word that brought this world into existence.  You spoke and things simply came to be.  You spoke and commanded Adam and Eve as to how they should live with you and within the garden.  You spoke clearly with both promise and threat so that they knew how they should live in this world with you.  But the devil led them to question your Word and led them into all sorts of sins.  And that’s his game in my heart and life.  The devil would have me question your word and your ways.  He would have me go my own way.  He would lead me to question your Word in so many different ways-to doubt the promise of your forgiveness and mercy, to doubt the promise of my standing with you, to doubt your will in my life.  The devil wants me to begin to say in my heart, “Did God really say that?”  Then he’s got me.  But Lord, your voice rises up to defend me.  Your word both brings into effect the curse of the Devil and the promise for your people.  You spoke and the Devil stood cursed.  Even though the snake crusher had not come, the devil was as good as cursed.  And also for Adam and Eve.  You spoke and the Word rescued.  Even though the Rescuer had not yet come, they were as good as rescued.  This is the power of your Word, O God.  Lead me to trust your Word.  It is my rescue.  It is my hope.  It is my strength.  Amen.

The Word of God effects both curse of the devil and our cure.  His Word makes those things happen.

Friday, April 14th

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

Dear Jesus, The older I get the more I face situations I seem to handle less confidently.  I think you are purging me of my self-confidence so it will give way to “god Confidence”.  I remember my dad’s tight grip on my little hand when we walked across busy streets.  I am comforted to know you hold my hand in every situation.  I can be small while you are big.  Give me the peace that you won’t let me go even when I am jerking my hand around while saying, “Let me handle this.”  Don’t listen to me.  Listen to this prayer and hold to me forever. Amen.

God won’t let go of his child anymore than you’d let go of a screaming toddler near a busy intersection.

Thursday, April 13th

“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story-those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.”  Psalms 107:2-3

Dear Father, Throughout history you have shown yourself to be a God who turns tables and changes fortunes.  When your people were wandering in the wilderness, you changed their fortunes and brought them into a land flowing with milk and honey.  When your people were surrounded by their enemies and seemed destined for defeat, you turned the tables on their enemies and swallowed their enemies in the sea.  This is the story of your rescue throughout the Bible.  A story of intervention in the pride and arrogant ways of your people to turn them back to you.  A story of turning tables on their enemies.  A story of changing their fortunes.  A story of restoring this wilderness of a world into a wondrous paradise.  This is the story of your own work in my life, dear Lord.  You have rescued me!  You brought me to your side.  And when in pride and arrogance I began to go my own way, you intervened to rescue me, to redeem me, to turn me back.  Sometimes you brought me low so that you could lift me up.  Sometimes you turn the tables on those who wanted to hurt me.  Sometimes I don’t even know what you have done in my life to work, to save, and to redeem.  But Father, I know what kind of God you are.  You are a God who turns tables and changes fortunes.  Help me to tell your story today and every day.  Let my whole life sing this story.  Let my mouth tell it loudly and proudly.  Amen.

Our God is a God who turns the tables and changes fortunes!

Wednesday, April 12th

“As for man, his days are like grass-he blooms like a flower of the field; when the wind passes over it, it vanishes, and its place is no longer known.  But from eternity to eternity the LORD’S faithful love is toward those who fear him…His kingdom rules over all.  Psalm 103:15-17, 19

Dear Father, I often forget how temporary and fleeting my life and all the things in it are.  I often forget and get quite worked up about how things are going in my life and in my work.  I get frustrated and upset when things don’t go my way.  I get consumed by the pursuit of things in my life.  But in this, Father, I forget how temporary those things are.  They are here for a moment, but as soon as I get the newest thing it begins to decay and soon it is old, worn, and useless or forgotten to me.  And it’s the same thing with me.  The things that do matter in the moment, but after that moment passes the wind blows over the spot where I was and the place where I worked and I am forgotten.  I say this, Father, not with a sense of despairing fatalism, but with a sense of clear focus.  It is important for me to work and to work well while I can.  It is important for me to make smart decisions in this world.  But it is just as important to remember that my impact and importance in this world is only small and is only temporary.  It is even more important that I remember that your kingdom endures forever and that your kingdom is over all.  When I am all worked up because of the course of my life, remind me that you, Lord, are King.  When I am concerned about things outside of my control or beyond my time, remind me that you, Lord, are King over all.  The wind will never blow over your spot and remove all remembrance of you from the earth.  The ripples of your impact in this world will never stop going out into this world.  And your impact includes me and my life!  You are concerned for my life and are compassionate for me!  Help me to remember this, dear Father, as I live my life.  Give me a godly perspective on my life and a deep hope in your compassion and rule.  You, Lord, are King!  And your kingdom endures forever.  Amen.

My life is short and my impact is limited.  But the impact of King Jesus is eternal.  His kingdom and his rule extends over all-even me! 


Tuesday, April 11th

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.  The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to tread on the heights.  Habakkuk 3:17-19

Dear Heavenly Father, So often I show thanks only after have granted success in earthly matters.  But here Habakkuk says thanks even though his crops fail, and the livestock are gone and he isn’t sure if he will have enough to eat.  He thanks you because he believes your word that promises your direction and protection even when he cannot see it with his eyes.  I thank you now like he does.  I thank you that you are my rescuer and provider even though I don’t know how you are going to do it.  I just trust you will see me through everything in my life and then give me a place in glory with you as the grand prize at the end.  I will trust you through plenty and puny.  Amen.

God is worthy of our thanks just because he is our God.  How he blesses is just details. 

Monday, April 10th

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”  Psalms 91:11

 Dear Father, These words set my heart at rest.  As I walk through my life and face danger all the way, it is comforting to know that you have given a command about me!  About me!  There are so many people in this world that you are concerned about, yet you are concerned about me!  There are so many people whom you protect (all of them!), yet you give commands about me!  You tell your angels to watch over me, to protect me in all of my ways.  You tell them to pick me up in their hands to deliver me from danger, especially danger to my soul.  When Satan wants to rob me of faith and my eternity, your angels' step in to wage war for me.  When I cry out to you, you immediately respond to my every prayer.  Protect me, I pray.  Many dangers surround me.  Unseen dangers and threats come after me.  Protect me with your angels.  Keep giving them commands about me so that I might live and serve you all my days.  Amen.

Though there are many things and many people in this world about whom God is concerned, he gives his angels charge over me! 


Saturday, April 8th

“Pilate went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, ‘I find no basis for a charge against him.’”      John 18:38

Dear Jesus, Oh how Pilate’s words underscored your innocence the great injustice you were enduring!  He could find no basis for the political charges brought against you, yet he wasn’t willing to set you free.  It would have cost him something he wasn’t willing to pay.  How irksome it must have been that you were bound for a gruesome death but for nothing you had done.  I get so incensed when I’m judged by people who really don’t know the true story nor have concern for my reputation.  My first reaction is anger and then I fantasize about vindication and sometimes even vengeance.  But not you.  You were thinking of the joy set before you (Hebrews 12).  When you took the blame for nothing you had done, you knew you were taking the blame for everything you had done.  You were silencing Satan forever.  His accusations and hounding criticism would be silenced by your blood.  Your love for me gave you courage to stand down the temptation to lash out.  The more I think about the internal strength your love exhibited, the more I admire and love you.  You are my greatest hero.  Amen.

A lifetime of meditation would not exhaust the depths of discovery of Christ’s love for us. 

Friday, April 7th

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will.’”  Matthew 26:39

Dear Heavenly Father, I was taught to fold my hands when I pray.  With these folded hands I’m humbly and confidently telling you, “It’s all up to you.  You answer as you think best.”  I don’t know about Jesus’ hands the night he prayed in Gethsemane.  I do, however, know how extreme anguish drove him face down into the dirt.  Before him stood a cup filled to the brim with the poison of the whole world’s sins.  Its every drop would be bitter right down to the dregs.  This horrendous cup was his to drink if he would save mankind’s souls.  And he would have to empty it alone.  No wonder he fell with his face to the ground in prayer that night.  Jesus’ deeply felt sin’s weight but did not refuse to bear it.  He prayed earnestly with tears but did not turn away from your will.  “It’s up to you,” he was humbly telling you.  He also was confidently telling you, “You answer as you think best.”  He trusted a Father who loved him.  How could Jesus do it?  The answer has to be divine love.  Out of love for you he came to this ball of mud where I live.  Out of love for me, a sinner, he stained Calvary’s dirt with his precious blood.  Because of your saving work, I can fold my hands in humble, confident prayer to you.  Even more so, I can live with you forever in your eternal home.  Amen.

Lord, teach me to pray. 

Thursday, April 6th

“After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”  John 13:5

Dear Heavenly Father, We use our hands to express love.  With them I caress my spouse, hold my children, and comfort my loved ones in distress.  What would I do if I couldn’t touch those nearest and dearest to me?  Jesus also used his hands to express love.  In the upper room at Jerusalem the night before his death, his hands picked up the basin of water and proceeded to wash his disciples’ feet.  Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?  Shouldn’t they have been washing the feet of their Lord?  He who came to seek and save the lost, now stoops to the work of the lowest slave.  Why?  To give me an example of humble service, of course.  He wants to remind me that he gave me hands to wipe away tears, watch over a soul, forgive a fault, bear with an injustice, invite a sinner, and encourage a saint.  Loving hands change diapers, scrub floors, prepare meals, do homework, bring home the paycheck, fill offering envelopes.  Even more, he wants me to remember how deep his love for me really is.  That night his hands washed feet with water.  The next day they washed souls with his blood on Calvary’s cross.  This night the Savior in love handled the disciples’ feet.  Tomorrow, in a far greater display of love, he handled the world’s sins.  From such wondrous love comes wonderful cleansing for my soul.  Amen.

Lord, help me, the sinner, to pray daily, “Wash me, Savior, or I die.”

Wednesday, April 5th

“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission .  Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.”  Hebrews 5:7-9

Dear Jesus, It’s Wednesday of Holy Week.  We don’t have anything recorded in the Gospel accounts about what you did on Wednesday of that last week just two days before you died for us.  We only know that on Thursday you came back into Jerusalem from Bethany.  I think you spent the day in prayer.  You had been contemplating the great sacrifice you were about to make for millennia.  You talked about it in detail as if it had already happened in Old Testament times.  (Isaiah 49, 50, 53, Psalm 2, 22, 69, 110, Zechariah 3).  You had been telling your disciples this was coming.  You even said this was your last trip to Jerusalem.  So, I think you spent the day wrestling with God in prayer.  Your verse in Hebrews describes how in your earthly life you had fervent prayers, cries and tears to your father who could save you from death.  You prayed not in defiant anger but in broken hearted obedience.  You perfected obedience by doing the unthinkable for the Father and for me.  You were fully engaged and fully aware of what it cost.  It took perfect faith that God the Father would accept the sacrifice for all humans and raise you from the dead.  Today as I spend Wednesday, help me to learn how to obey from the heart and how to suffer all the painful circumstances of my life with faith, hope and love.  Make me a man of God in all circumstances.  Amen.

Jesus was fully engaged his whole life right to the end so that we might have a reason to fully engage with him.

Tuesday, April 4th

“’Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.’  When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.  They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.”  Matthew 21:44-45

Dear Jesus, You pulled out all the stops on Tuesday of Holy Week.  You preached pointed words in an effort to give the Jewish leaders what many others were receiving.  You wanted them in heaven with you but they would not admit to themselves their need for grace.  You called yourself the stone that they (the builders) had rejected.  And you said if they would not let you break their pride into pieces then you would crush them in judgment.  It’s judgment now while we can be forgiven or it’s judgment on the last day when it will be too late.  You don’t care what we have wasted when it comes to salvation.  You just want us to be honest and admit our need for you.  I know my sins.  I am broken by your law.  I need your grace.  Forgive me and heal my heart from guilt and shame.  Give me a pure heart that does not pride itself in anything.  But also give me a pure heart that believes it is truly forgiven.  Finally, help me reflect this humble but liberated posture to those with whom I live and move today.  Amen.

Nothing compares to a soul cleansed of self-made pride or guilt. 

Monday, April 3rd

“For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteousness, that he might bring you to God.”  1 Peter 3:18

Lord Jesus, Such freedom and joy is mine.  You suffered for all my sins, all of them.  All of the sins of this week, all of the sins of my past, even for all the sins of my future.  You suffered for all of my sins just once.  And you did it all righteously and innocently.  You didn’t deserve a single lick that you got from your enemies.  You didn’t deserve a single stroke of the justice that your Father doled out to you.  And yet you suffered all of that for me.  You suffered all of that so that you might bring me to God.  You have opened the way for me into God’s presence so that I might see him, live with him, and come to him.  This next week, dearest Jesus, as I see you make your way into Jerusalem to suffer for all of our sins, help me to see what you’re doing.  You’re going into Jerusalem to take away my sins.  You’re going there to die for all of my sins.  You’re going there to bring me to God.  Lord Jesus, thank you for this your deepest passion.  It is my salvation.  It is my entry into God’s presence.  Amen.

Saturday, April 1st

“The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.  Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.”  Psalm 28:8-9

Dear Heavenly Father, I love this prayer where David asks you to be his Shepherd.  We all want someone to take care of us.  I want you to be the one.  You are the author of my life.  You know the troubles of my situation.  You understand my limitations and my insecurities.  You know my vulnerabilities and my fears.  You know my needs and my wants.  Be my shepherd O God.  Take me by the hand and lead me through any difficult days that lay ahead for me.  As long as I have you as my shepherd, I can face the uncertain future.  Heal me, save me, make me whole.  You are my everything.  Amen.

God will be with us in every moment.  He cannot forget his own. 

Friday, March 31st

“Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy.  The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”  Psalm 28:6-7

Dear Heavenly Father, I find myself today being thankful for the merciful way you have treated me for my whole life.  Since I was an infant you have heard my cries for help.  Time after time you sent someone to my rescue.  First my parents, then teachers, friends, police, fire fighters, doctors and other medical professionals.  You have given me godly advice through mentors and have even sent strangers to donate their time for my benefit.  You are behind every help and rescue.  I have thankfulness and joy.  I know how selfish I can be and yet you continue to bless with a forgiving heart.  I trust you because you love so unconditionally.  Thank you for being the God who saves sinners and makes their lives valuable and important.  Amen.

If we simply stop to count blessings, we can change our attitude to gratitude in a heartbeat. 

Thursday, March 30th

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”    Psalm 90:14

Lord God, The weight of sin and the burden of life is truly heavy to carry.  It is more than I can bear, though I try mightily to bear it.  I try to push through the weakness of my flesh.  I try to ignore the guilt that lurks in my conscience, that just kind of sits there all day long.  I try to constantly shed it during the day by working harder, by praying more, my meditating longer.  Lord God, the weight of my guilt and the weakness of my flesh lays a burden on me that is impossible to bear.  Forgive me for this foolishness, dear Lord.  And this morning, I pray, satisfy my soul with your faithful and unfailing love.  Your unfailing love truly and fully removes all of my guilt.  Your unfailing love truly and fully envelopes me with your grace and mercy, even in my weakest moments of deepest distress.  Your strength holds me up when the burden is too heavy to bear.  In my weakness, teach me to depend on you for strength.  Yes, even in my strength, teach me to despair of me and to depend on you.  Let your mercies rain down on me this morning and this week as I rise up to serve you.  Let your power and your Spirit gush down on me from above that I might be filled with your wisdom and your strength.  My strength is weak; your strength is truly strength.  Fill me with it.  Amen.

There is only one thing that truly satisfies and sets our hearts at rest.  The faithful and unfailing love of our God is that one thing.  His love and his power alone lift the weight of guilt and the weakness of our mortality. 

Wednesday, March 29th

“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”  Psalms 86:11

Lord God, This is what I need; this is what I ask.  Teach me your ways and give me an undivided heart.  Fill my heart so completely with a love for you and a trust in you that nothing can shake me.  Why is it, O God, that I grow afraid and overwhelmed when things and people threaten me?  Could it be, Lord God, that my heart is not fully captured by your love and fully trusting in your works?  That’s what you told the disciples when they were terrified by the storm.  You questioned whether they were fully trusting in you.  “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”  Why is it, Lord, that I grow weary and tired in living my life?  Could it be, Lord, that I am trying to do things in my life that are yours to do?  Could it be, Lord, that I am pursuing things that are not good and will never satisfy?  That’s what you teach me again and again.  This is why I ask it, Lord.  Teach me your ways and give me an undivided heart.  There is no god like you in heaven and earth.  There is no one else who has created this world and cares for me like you do.  There is no one else who tore the heavens apart to rescue our sinful human race.  O God, give me an undivided heart that loves you fully and that trusts you completely.  Amen.

So much of our life is spent worrying and chasing.  There is no one like our God!  He will give us what need and protect us from eternal harm.  Set your heart on that and on nothing else. 

Tuesday, March 28th

“We will not hide them from their children, but will tell a future generation the praiseworthy acts of the LORD, his might, and the wondrous works he has performed.”  Psalm 78:4

 O Almighty and gracious God, You have been so good to me.  You have been so good to your people throughout history.  Through the ages you have been our God and you remain the same.  You rescue your people dramatically and powerfully time and time again.  You turn from your anger and turn to snatch them from the grip of their enemies.  You have been so good to me.  Father, as much as you remain the same, so do I.  I struggle with the same forgetfulness and stubbornness of previous generations.  I know the lessons of the past, but I have not always learned from them.  My heart often grows bitter and envious.  My heart often grumbles and complains against you.  I forget your goodness.  I forget your rescue.  And then I complain against you.  O almighty God, first, I pray help me to remember the things you have done.  Make these truths about your rescue rise to the top of my heart that I may remain your child.  And, then, Spirit, make me eager and bold to pass this on to my children, to my community, to my church family.  Make me eager to remind, to teach, to encourage, to rebuke.  Give me the right words in the right season to pass on the truths of your Word to the next generation.  You have been so good to me.  Help me to hold it close for my own heart and to share it widely for the whole world.  Amen.

The story of God’s goodness is a story for my own heart and soul.  It is also a story that meant for the rest of the world.  Pass it on. 

Monday, March 27th

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  Colossians 3:12

Dear Jesus, Help my friends in Christ and me to put on your beautiful clothes today and wear them for the blessing of others and the betterment of all humankind.  Help us avoid soiling our spiritual clothes with crankiness and chronic complaining.  Where we see sin, help us to forgive and to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Help us take words and actions in the kindness possible way.  Amen.

Jesus Christ’s spiritual clothing is always in style.

Saturday, March 25th

“Of His own will, He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first-fruits of His creatures.”  James 1:18

Dear Jesus, By your own will you brought me to faith by teaching me the gospel of your love.  It was your plan, your choice, your mission.  I feel so valued that you would rescue me and call me a first-fruit.  The first-fruits were the treasured produce after a long growing period that were given back to God as a sign of the people’s love for you.  If I am your first-fruit then you are saying I’m treasured.  Since I know I’m treasured enough for you to send your Son for my rescue, I want to give me life back to you in return.  Use me to bless others the way you have blessed me.  Amen.

The key to longevity in service to others is the constant awareness of our own rescue. 

Friday, March 24th

“Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, and extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the Lord.  A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”             Psalms 68:4-5

O God, Rise up!  There are so many people around me, in my city, who are broken and hurting.  There are so many people who are helpless against their circumstances.  They are helpless against trauma that has entered their life.  They are helpless against their own weakness, the depression, the anxiety, the mental disease, the physical disease that attacks them.  They are helpless against people in their lives who only want to hurt and harm them.  Father, rise up!  You are a Father of the fatherless, a defender of the widows.  You are a protector of the weak.  You are not just a God who cares; you are a God who can.  Rise up in your might and your power to defend, protect, to right the wrongs.  Rise up and lead prisoners to prosperity, the homeless to homes, and the fatherless to families.  Rise up and do what is good and right.  You, God, are King.  You, God, are seated on your throne.  Use me today as an instrument of your peace, of your righteousness, and of your justice.  Use me to rescue and protect and defend.  Rise up God and be the father of the fatherless and the champion of widows.  Show your strength, God and act on our behalf.  Amen.

Our God is not just a God who cares.  Our God is a God who can.  He has all power and might.