“Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.” Proverbs 22:2
Dear Lord, How often have I sat in my car waiting for the light to turn green and looked over to see a homeless person panhandling and thought, “I’m glad my life is better than that.”? There’s a fine line between, “I’m glad my life is different” and “I’m glad I am different.” The latter is deadly. You are the maker of all people and in your eyes we all panhandle on the side of your road. We beg you for handouts in our prayers. We put ourselves in this predicament and we deserve nothing from your hand. But daily you roll down the window and hurl out your Son, our jobs, our friends and our endless opportunities to succeed. Thank you for your condescending grace that blesses us poor beggars. Never let me look at anyone standing beside my two-ton blessing on wheels, as anything other than an equal soul, loved by you and put there for me to love too. Amen.
All humans are cut from the same lumber. God can salvage any one of us for his heavenly furniture.