Monday, February 6th

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.” Hebrews 6:19

Dear God Almighty, There is so much in this world and in my life that is uncertain and unsecured.  There is so much in my own heart that is tossed by circumstances in life.  Sometimes I feel like I am a ball in the ocean tossed here and there by the waves without any real mooring.  Things happen in my life and I have absolutely no control over them.  More than that the word and promise of people in my life is a shaky foundation at best.  The best and most true person in my life makes promises and lacks the ability to follow through even though they truly want to.  Father, this makes my life uncertain and my heart insecure.  But Father in your Word you give me a promise that is an anchor for my soul.  You do not change and so your promises do not change.  Your power controls all things and so I know that when you make a promise not only do you have the power to carry it out.  You have sworn an oath to me and you will not change your mind.  You have sent your Son to remove my sin and my guilt.  You have sent your Son to open the kingdom of heaven to me, yes, to me.  In him and in you alone do I set my hope.  In this world this is the anchor for my soul.  It is firm and secure.  Make this a mooring for my heart and soul today, dear Lord, that I would not anxious or upset, that I would not be worried or afraid, but would instead put my trust in you and in your unchanging Word.  Amen.

Since God’s word is unchanging and his power is almighty, the promises that he makes to us are an anchor for our souls; it is firm and secure.