Saturday, February 4th

“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.”  Hebrews 4:9-10

Dear Father, You created this world perfectly in six days and it was good; it was very good.   And on that seventh day you rested from the work of creating.  You rested because the work of creating was done.  When your Son came down from heaven; when he had lived a perfect life and then hung innocently upon the cross, he also cried out loudly.  “It is finished.”  He wanted the world to know that his work of saving, his work of redeeming, and his work of forgiving-all of his work was done.  Father, I so often live my life as there still is something that needs to be done towards my salvation, my forgiving.  In some way I think to myself that I need to live a certain way to earn, at least, add to what Jesus did for me.  This is what keeps my heart from resting.  There is an inner voice inside of me that is crying out for approval.  But I already have it from Christ.  I already have heaven from Christ.  It is finished.  It is done.  It is completed.  I am already sufficient.  I am more than a conqueror through him.  Dear Father, give rest to my heart and so also rest to my body because the only work that needed to be done for my salvation was already done.  More than that, the work of providing and protecting me and my family will also be accomplished through your hands and not mine.  Father, all things are under your control, guided by your love, and I am guarded by your power.  Savior, eternity and a perfect standing before you are already attained for me by you.  Set my heart at rest as I trust in you.  Amen.

If God is done and has entered his rest, so also we are done and have entered his rest.  Enjoy it.  Jesus took naps.  So can you.

Friday, February 3rd

“A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart.”  Proverbs 21:2

Dear Heavenly Father, Solomon said he got his wisdom from his father, David, and the Holy Spirit.  David was chosen by you to be king because you saw his heart.  You even passed up his older brothers because David’s heart beat in rhythm with yours.  You see the heart when we only see outward actions.  I know of people who have endless arguments about being “right”.   I have a few such arguments myself.  I love how your Proverb blows away all our self-righteous attempts to justify ourselves.  You weigh the heart.  I know you see how out of balance mine can be.  Please have mercy on me and forgive my sinful heart.  But take it further and purify my heart from all unclean and selfish thoughts and make me someone you like as much you love.  Make me holy from the inside out.  Amen.

In Christ and his word we clean up real well.

Thursday, February 2nd

In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him.  Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him.  But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”  Hebrews 2:8-9

God Almighty, I see what you did here.  I see what you did when you sent Jesus to live, to die, to rise and to rule.  You put everything under his feet.  There is not one thing in this world that is not subjected to him.  And yet that is not what I see.  I see disorder and chaos.  I see people growing old and frail so that they finally fail.  I see divisions between peoples.  I see wars and hear rumors of wars.  In my own life too, I see and I feel the same.  Things sometimes seem to be chaotic in my own life.  My own heart is a big mess too.  Though you rule there, another force seems too often be at work.  It wages war against what I know to be good and true.  I see and feel all this in my heart and life.  I see this, but I also see you, dear Jesus.  I see you and you tasted death for me and for everyone.  You suffered defeat in death’s cold grip, but then you shoved death down again and put it under your feet.  You rose triumphant, O Jesus, and you brought great victory to me and to all who believe in you.  Help me to see you clearly dear Jesus.  Help me to see you and your victory.  Help me to see that you are reigning even when I see disorder and chaos.  Help me to trust that in the disorder and the chaos you are working good and are ruling it for me.  Bring me peace and rest because of your mighty rule.  I see you, Jesus!  Amen.

Seeing Jesus and his victory helps us see life from a whole new perspective. 

Wednesday, February 1st

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”  Hebrews 1:14

Lord God, What an astounding question this is.  And I know what the answer is.  I know what answer you want me to give to this question: “Of course they are.”  This is astounding and awe-inspiring, “ Lord God.  Your angels see your face.  They come into your presence in heaven already.  They are holy and perfect creations of yours.  They are powerful beyond human strength.  They are your special creation and you have made them to be ministering spirits to serve me and my salvation.  You have made them to serve all who will inherit salvation.  These powerful, elevated creations, you assign them to sinful human beings to guard them from danger, to guide us along right paths, and to serve us as we walk the way of faith toward heaven.  O Lord God, thank you for revealing this to me that angels are serving me all night and all day whether I know it or not.  I pray, Lord God, send your holy angel to guard me this day from all harm and every evil.  Keep me from it this day.  And when I lay my head down to rest send your angels to watch over me in my sleep and to guard me until the sun dawns on the new day.  Amen.

Angels are a gift from God to serve and protect God’s people.   

Tuesday, January 31st

“…to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.  For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.”  Titus 2:10-11

Dear Savior, You have redeemed me from sin, from the devil, from all that would destroy me.  You have poured out your Holy Spirit on me and he is now working in me.  You have called me to a new life, to live for you in this world and to give you glory in all that I think, say and do.  And yet I know that my way of life doesn’t always make you look good.  I’ve often been a cause for the disgracing of your holy name.  I wonder how many people have been turned off to your teaching because of my way of life.  I haven’t made you shine by the way that I live.  I’m sorry, Father.  Forgive me for the shame and disgrace that I’ve brought to the family.  Forgive me for the shame and the disgrace that I’ve brought to you.  Forgive me and help me this day to do all things I bring your glory and draw people to the gospel by the way I live my life.  Amen.

When we let our light shine by living as God’s people, we make God’s Word attractive and draw people to hear it. 

Monday, January 30th

“Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness-in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.”  Titus 1:1-3

Dear Father, There are so many reasons that I find hope, comfort and courage from this verse.  And it all flows out of that line-“God, who does not lie.”  What a sweet phrase that is!  It reminds me that when you speak in your Word you do not and cannot lie.  What you say is true.  More than that what you say is the truth, it is the standard by which all other things are measured as true or false.  It reminds me that when you speak a promise it will always happen.  You do not speak and then take it back.  You do not speak and then change your mind.  All of this makes your Word a perfect foundation for my faith and direction for my feet.  I don’t have to wonder if what I believe is true because if you have spoken then it is true.  I don’t have to wonder what is right or wrong because if you tell me what is right and show me what is wrong, then I know.  And just as important, this word gives me courage, O Father.  I can share your Word without being ashamed.  I can tell the story of your Word and about your Son because this story is true and has been written by you and you do not lie.  Fill me with hope, comfort and courage today as I go out with your Word sitting on my heart and coming out of my mouth.  Amen.

We need not be ashamed of our life or of our message because God has spoken it and he does not lie. 

Saturday, January 28th

 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.  We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Dear Jesus, Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to work faith in my family and me and how you move us by that same Spirit to let love lead us in the way we treat each other.  Help us to endure in the many temptations from outside our family and from within our own fallible hearts.  Give us good solid conflict resolution skills and the courage to use them faithfully.  Make us live in grace and pursue peace.  Amen.

Fellow believers driven by divine love are a special gift from God. 

Friday, January 27th

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it.”           2 Timothy 3:12-14

Dear Father, As I reflect on my life, I can see what happens in my own heart and life when I’m not continuing in your Word and spending time with you.  My thought processes deteriorate, bitterness and frustration fills my heart, and a deep weariness overcomes my soul.  I can see it and I know that when I’m not continuing in your Word and walking closely with you that I’m deteriorating, that I’m going from bad to worse.  It reminds me of what happens to my fitness when I’m not exercising.  You never stay static in your fitness.  You either get more fit or lose fitness.  I see that same thing in my faith life.  Either I’m growing or I’m deteriorating.  Help me, Father!  Keep pouring out your Holy Spirit to strengthen me in my spiritual disciplines of devotion, meditation, and prayer.  Strengthen me in my devotion to you so that I continue to grow in what I already know.  Take me into the weight room of your Word and ever-more strengthen my faith in you.  Spirit, I need you!  I need you to come into my heart and throw out all the evil there, create in me a clean heart, and renew a steadfast and strong spirit within me.  Father, Son and Spirit-strengthen me by your Word that I may be your faithful servant.  Amen.

You never stay static in your fitness.  You either atrophy or you grow stronger.  The same is true in your faith.  Spend time in the spiritual weight room.  Time in God’s Word, in prayer and in meditation are your weights.

Thursday, January 26th

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”                 2 Timothy 1:7

Dear Holy Spirit, Come and work in my heart and fill me with your power, with Jesus’ love, and with clear thinking about my life and about your working in and through my life.  Come and work in me because there is much that would make me timid and afraid.  There is much that would make me a slave again to fear.  I am insecure in my identity as your child.  I hear voices giving me a different name, a different value, a different identity.  Sometimes that voice is the one between my ears.  I am insecure in my callings in life.  I realize what is asked of me and required of me in all of my callings and often feel in adequate for what is laid before me.  Lord Jesus, I could go on.  You know the insecurity and the fear that lives in my heart.  So send your Spirit, dear Jesus, and give me your Spirit of power, of love and of sound thinking.   Convince me by your Spirit that my identity is tied up and secured in you.  You know those who are yours.  I am one of them.  Let this truth give me a secure identity.  More than, remind me, O Spirit, of the calling you gave me when you set me in my vocations.  You have thoroughly equipped me for the work you have given me to do.  You didn’t make a mistake.  You have placed me where I am.  You have entrusted me with the role you want me to fill.  You have made me sufficient for this.  O Spirit, come and fill me with your power and your love and give me a clear mind and sound thinking for the work you’ve given me to do.  Amen.

Insecurity and fear comes from looking in at ourselves.  A powerful life flows out of looking at who we are in Christ.  

Wednesday, January 25th

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”       1 Timothy 1:17

O God, You are truly great.  You are worthy of all my praise.  Every knee in heaven and on earth should bow before you because you are eternal and immortal.  Though you are invisible, you are the only God!  You have made all things and in you all things have their being.  You hold this whole world together by your mighty hands.  In great and compassionate love for me, you have arranged and ordered my life to bring me to where I am today.  You have ordered my footsteps according to your Word.  You have shown me boundless mercy in saving me from sin and adopting me into your family.  More than that, O Father, you have called me to serve you in my vocations.  I get to be a pastor, a father, a husband (what are the vocations to which he has called you?)  You have given me great mercy in bringing me to this day in which I get to serve you.  And I know that even now after all that you have already done that you are not done yet.  This day and however many days after today that you give will still be ordered and directed by you.  Each of my footsteps are planned for me before I stepped out into them.  And when I set down my foot, by your mercy, I set down my foot into a spacious place and onto a rock-solid foundation.  O God, you are truly great!  I commit this day to you and to your glory.  Amen.

God has brought us to this day.  He has saved by for this day.  And he will use us in this day.

Tuesday, January 24th

“For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.  This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance.  For this reason, we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.”  1 Timothy 4:8-10

Dear Holy Spirit, Come and work in my heart.  Come and stir in my hands and my life.  Come and train me by your Word, shape me by your working, create me in Christ’s image.  Throughout my entire life I am trained and training to do a better job at the work I do.  I learn to think new thoughts.  I learn to think about things differently.  I learn to do things and approach things in different ways.  I learn new skills.  I gain new strength.  But this training of body and mind is limited to my vocation and only to this life.  O Spirit, come!  Come and move in my heart and make it new and pure and holy.  Wash my sins away and cleanse me of all my sins.  Come and replace my heart of stone with a heart of flesh that I might be changed from the inside out.  Then, move in all the parts of my body and mind so that my every thought is taken captive to the Word of God, so that my every motive moves out of love for God and others.  O Spirit, train me to be godly and raise up in me a faith in Christ that endures to eternal life.  Jesus, you live.  Father, you live and rule.  Spirit, you live and move in me.  Train and strengthen me for a life of serving you and an eternity of living with you.  Amen.

When we spend time in God’s Word and align our lives, our thinking and our feeling to God’s Word, God’s Spirit is training us to be godly.

Monday, January 23rd

“This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’” Zechariah 8:23

Dear Heavenly Father, For many years now I have known that you are with me.  Your word has been opened to me by so many others and has been a huge comfort and guide.  You have spoken into my heart at key times reminding me of your will and your grace when I needed it the most.  You have guided, redirected, comforted and convicted me.  I have often quieted my soul when I was anxious with the thought that you were with me.  Now, when I see this passage, I’m reminded that your presence in my life, is an attraction to lost people.  They can see that something is different.  At least that’s what you want them to see and that’s what I hope they can see.  Oh Lord, make your spiritual and temporal blessing in my life so clear that lost people from any cultural background will beg to be with you and me in this life and eternity.  That you for your means of grace that bring you to my side every day.  Amen.

God’s loving presence in our lives cannot be hidden from people looking for a spiritual place to call home. 

Saturday, January 21st

“May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love and Christ’s endurance.”  2 Thessalonians 3:5

Lord God, The work is hard and the days are long.  It is a grind, a slog, one day into the next.  The opponents are many.  And I’m not talking about people who oppose me.  Even when people do oppose me, Father, it is not they who oppose me but the Evil One.  My heart is constantly under assault by the devil.  My heart is constantly tempted to pride, to despair, to discouragement, to bitterness, even to disbelief and unbelief.  The opponent to my heart is strong and might, crafty and devious.  Lord God, turn my heart away from the work to your word and to the promises of it.  Direct my heart to what you have done and what you promise to do for me and through me in this world.  The work may be hard and the days may be long, but turn me to your promises that it is not in vain.  And so, by your Spirit, strengthen me for that work.  Direct my heart to your perseverance, O Jesus, so that I do not grow weary and give up.  Direct my heart to your love and your perseverance and so strengthen me for this day.  Amen.

Whatever you magnify is bigger.  If you magnify your work and your challenges, they will appear big in your heart.  But if you magnify God’s love and Christ’s perseverance, he will loom large in your life and all that challenges you will seem small (as they really are).

Friday, January 20th

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”      2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Lord Jesus, I need your strength.  I need you to bolster my heart and raise it to life.  As I live my life for you I am worn, tired and just plain exhausted of the fight.  The biggest battle I am fighting is the one in my own heart and mind.  I get in my own head too many times and think things and go down paths of thought that are harmful and sinful.  Create in me a new heart, O Spirit, and give me strength to carry on and step forward in faith and strength to serve and to do the good you have place in front of me.  Do not let me deterred from doing good.  Encourage my heart with your finished work.  You have loved me with an undying and eternal love.  You have given me eternal encouragement and hope by my adoption into your family, by the promises of your Word, by the way you repeatedly assure me of your love in your Supper.  Dear Jesus, strengthen me to live in these last days with courage, with grit, with your strength.  Amen.

The Christian lives from the inside out.  With a new heart given by the Spirit, we rise up to live with courage and strength. 

Thursday, January 19th

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Dear Father, You speak so often and so clearly about living a blameless life in this world.  You speak to me without riddles and tell me to do even more than I am already doing, to work even harder, to live more purely, to love even more.  You call me to love my fellow person and even more so my fellow believer.  You tell me of your coming and you will come like a thief in the night.  Many will be caught by your thief-like coming as in a trap.  Keep me from this, O Spirit.  Keep me from pride and arrogance.  Keep me from falling.  Keep me diligent in the faith and in my living that I might live my whole life in the light and not in dark.  And most of all, O Father, keep me.  I cannot do this.  I do not do this as I ought.  Sanctify me thoroughly.  Wash my sins away and resurrect in me a clean and a new heart that seeks you only.  Make and keep me blameless in body and soul when your Son, Jesus, returns.  Father, my hope and confidence is in you.  I cannot do it.  You have and you must.  Save me!  I am yours.  Amen.

Our confidence throughout life is not because we have kept close to God, but because God has kept us close. 


Wednesday, January 18th

“And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another and for everyone just as we do for you.”  1 Thessalonians 3:12

Dear Jesus, Your love for me never quits.  It overflows from the cross and spills over into my heart and life.  It washes my sins away to make me blameless.  It reminds me that I am yours and that you will never leave me.  It assures me that nothing, no nothing at all in heaven or on earth can separate me from you.  Your love for me is always the same and it is always lavish and abundant; it is always more than enough.  Fill my heart so full of your love, dear Jesus, that my heart will overflow for the people I meet and the people I see.  Increase your love in my heart, dear Jesus.  Increase my care for other people so that I weep when they weep, suffer when they suffer rejoice when they rejoice.  Increase me loving actions in their life to respond in the right way to love them the way that you love me.  Work this in my heart, dear Jesus, that I may love like you.  Amen.

Our hearts overflow with love for others because Jesus’ love overflows to us. 

Tuesday, January 17th

“One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.”  Proverbs 18:9

Dear Heavenly Father, Give me the faithful heart that leads my body to put in a day’s work for a day’s pay.  I do not want to be slack in my work.  I want to be productive with the life you have given for the benefit of all.  Help me to meet deadlines and to communicate when I need help in time to rectify any problems that arise.  Thank you for the people you have given me who model faithful work especially your Son who worked perfectly for all of us.  Amen.

Work is not a curse.  It’s an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. 

Monday, January 16th

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”  Proverbs 27:1

Dear Lord, The more I read your word, the more I see that you want me to live totally dependent on you.  As I faithfully produce good works for society, you want me to look to you for blessing help and strength.  It’s easy to get off track and think in my heart that it all depends on me.  That always leads me to pride or despair.  My life is in your hands.  You have already decided how long I will crawl around on your globe.  It’s enough for me to pursue a relationship with you.  You made me and saved me.  Now preserve my life today and show me what you want me to do in order to be the greatest blessing for others.  Amen.

It’s more blessed to give than to receive and giving back to God is most blessed of all.

Saturday, January 14th

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.”  Proverbs 29:25

Dear Heavenly Father, It’s wonderful to hear that you have given me faith in you that provides an alternative to living in fear of what people could do to me.  I have to confess that at times in my life, my fear of people and their power to hurt, persuade, fool, and destroy, has driven my life.  When I lived by fear I made some huge mistakes too.  That fear supercharged anger.  It drove me to hide and avoid.  It paralyzed me in social settings.  But then you taught me that my identity as a child of God is secure with you.  I learned to see you in every room.  You and your fatherly acceptance are behind every situation I encounter.  Even though people are very powerful, they are not the God who owns me.  Now I feel safe because I believe I am yours.  You will watch over your own children, even when you let them suffer or struggle with a challenge.  Oh heavenly father, drive the fear of people far from me and help me act out of divine love and not fear.  Amen.

Love and fear are mutually incomparable in the human heart.

Friday, January 13th

“The God of peace be with you all.  Amen.”  Romans 15:33

Dear Jesus, I love this verse toward the end of your book of Romans.  It reminds me that you are the God who brings peace to my life.  Peace is the sublime assurance that everything is okay and will be okay going forward as well.  You give me peace from my guilt, peace from conflict, peace from fear and peace from worry.  As long as you are with me, I know everything will be okay even if at the moment it seems really bad.  When I remember that you are with me everywhere and that you are guiding my story to a blessed end, I have peace that I don’t have to be big enough to fix everything.  I can have impact on my situation but I don’t have to shoulder the responsibility to make everything perfect for me or others.  That’s your job.  The peace frees me up to love.  You really are the perfect Savior of my life.  Amen.

God’s peace guards the heart against a heart invasion by worry.