Friday, February 17th

“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.”  Psalms 34:1

Dear Lord God, You have been my Savior and Redeemer through every generation.  Before the oceans were born, before you brought forth the earth and the world, you were there and had laid out my life.  You know all my days before even one of them came to be.  I have so much to thank you for, O Father, for the way you have intervened in my past to bring me to faith.  You put me into a Christian family; you surrounded me with Christians who would baptize me, who would teach me, who would correct, comfort and encourage me.  You have brought me to this new day full of faith.  And I know that in this present day you will continue to do what you have done in the past.  You have put me where you have wanted me in my life and in my relationships.  You are using other people and events to shape me.  You are using me to shape other people and to impact my community in ways that I am not even aware.  I am confident of the future not only because of your promises but because of your past faithfulness.  You have not once let me down.  Your Word assures me that you will not once let me down.  Even when things do not go the way I imagine and even when circumstances are not pleasant or pleasing.  I trust your Word.  In my heart, O God.  I have so much for which I might praise you.  Amen.

I have reasons to praise God because of his past work in my life, because of his present working, and the promise of his future intervention in my life.