Saturday, February 8th


“By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.”  Hebrews 11:27 

Dear Father, I notice some striking similarities when I read through these heroes of faith chapter of the Bible.  I notice the way that all of these heroes of the faith live.  I noticed their bold, confident, and unafraid of way of life that they lived.  They made choices in their lives because they were living by faith in you.  They made choices about the things they were going to do because they were living by faith in your power and in your promises.  That’s not often the way I live, Father.  I often make decisions because of fear, because of what feels good to me in the moment, because of the pressure that others put on me, because of a host of reasons other than the ones that are mine by faith.  Forgive me for this and help me to live like Moses.  He roared like a lion and was unafraid of the king’s anger.  He faced him with a lion heart because he saw you.  He saw your power.  He saw your promise.  He saw your compassion and love.  Help me to see this by faith even though it is invisible to my eyes.  Help me to see this by faith and live my life accordingly.  Faith alone is what saves me.  But where there is faith, there is a new way of life.  Work that in my heart and life, O Spirit.  Amen. 

Faith lives boldly, confidently, and like a lion because it trusts in God who is able to do all things.