“Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. ‘Make level paths for your feet,’ so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:12-13
Dear Father, Now is not a time for me to be afraid. Now is not a time for me to shrink back. Now is not a time for me shrivel up in the face of difficulty, of trouble, or of your fatherly discipline. Now is not a time for that. You are my Father and you are working in my life for my eternity and to shape me into your likeness. You are my Savior and you have made me holy for this life and for your service. Now is not a time for me to be wimpy and weak. Forgive me for this timidly and meekness. This fearful heart of mine is not born of you. It is born of my own heart and life. I have nothing about myself to be confident in. I know myself. And the life of faith is hard. I do not have the strength. So, I pray, Father, strengthen me for this life of faith. Raise up a courageous heart in me. Give me grit and and strength to carry on even when it is difficult. I am your child. Strengthen me for this life so that I might rise up and live as your child in it. Amen.
Now is not a time for me to shrink back. I am the Father’s child. Now is a time to rise up with courage, grit, strength and confidence.