Friday, February 7th


“What you have seen with your eyes do not bring hastily to court, for what will you do in the end if your neighbor puts you to shame?”  Proverbs 25:8 

Dear Heavenly Father, I live in a society quick to point out sin and prone to sue for damages.  I’m not sure many Christians even know that this passage is in your word.  You do not promise to help us with every claim we bring to court.  You would rather have us depend on you in prayer, to love our neighbor as ourselves and to forgive instead of expose faults.  Give us faithful and humble hearts that seek your face when we are hurt and are slow to sue our neighbor.  Help us remember that you satisfied your own justice so you would never have to condemn us in your heavenly court.  Make us imitators of your justifying love.  Amen. 

A mark of faith is a peaceful and forgiving heart.