Tuesday, February 11th


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  Psalms 46:1 

Dear Lord God, The seas in my life are roaring.  The ground underneath my feet is shaking.  The mountains crumbling.  All the things that would be foundational and certain in my life are unsure and uncertain.  And it’s terrifying.  I’m scared so I’m calling out to you, Lord, for you are a refuge and a strength for me.  You are the one certainty in this uncertain life.  You are the one constant in the constantly changing world.  You are the one powerful over all things especially when I am powerless to defend and protect myself, to change the course of my life, or to move.  Lord, the ground underneath my feet is shaking and the mountains are falling part, be my refuge and my strength.  Protect me from trouble.  Shield me from danger.  Use your mighty power to move mountains out of my way so that I might stand on a wide open and solid path.  And most of all, even while the mountains are falling, calm my heart with your steady grip on my life.  You will not let me fall or fail.  You will not forsake me; you are an ever-present helper in trouble.  You are my safe place.  Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.  Amen. 

While the world is falling apart around me, my God will not fail me.  He is my refuge, my fortress, my ever-present Helper.