"If two lie down together they will keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?"- Ecclesiastes 4:11
Dear heavenly Father, today I thank you for all the friends you have put into my life who were there when I needed them, who confronted me honestly when I was acting out of my mind and apart from your truth and grace, who picked up the slack I had created, who loved me when I was unlovable, who trusted me with their secrets, who set aside their schedule to dry my tears or listen to a grief observed, who allowed long lunches, slow walks and quirks that I could not avoid. Thank you for the friends who took time to call for no reason at all and who dared to share life with me of all people. Help me to be that friend that you have given me so I make other's lives more pleasant, tolerable and wonderful. Jesus, help me lay down my life for my friends like you! AMEN
In Friendship we multiply one another's joys and divide one another's sorrows.