Friday, April 6th


Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few. - 1 Samuel 14:7

Dear Jesus, you put these words in Jonathan's mouth when he was about to face a whole army of Philistines with only his armor bearer and his sword.  With a supernatural faith he firmly trusted in you to deliver him. I want that supernatural faith.  All I know to do is to beg for it.  I cannot manufacture it in this broken heart of mine.  There are too many broken parts.  Please give me the faith of Jonathan to trust that you will deliver me in every situation.  Free me, dear Lord, of all worry that so easily preoccupies my mind and makes me unfruitful for others.  Give me peace that you are holding me and protecting me from my enemies, whether they are health problems, wild gunman, economic challenges or friends turned to critics.  I want to trust you with a clear conscience.  AMEN

God helps those who cannot help themselves. 


Additional Reading:  1 Samuel 14:1-14, Exodus 14:1-31, Hebrews 13:5-6