Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. - Psalm 139:16
Dear heavenly Father, it’s calming and encouraging to know that this day in my life was ordained by you. This day has meaning, purpose, and hope; because it is the day you wanted me to have right now. Protect me from the temptation to disdain today because it has work, or challenges, or doctor's visits, or tough conversations, or mundane activities. Help me not to define today based on what I see with my eyes or think I see with my heart. Help me to accomplish your goals and not worry if all my goals are realized. Help me to value today as a gift from you, my author and Savior. Open my heart to see some new way to make a blessing for another person today that will last in their lives for years. Help me say the type of things that bless and encourage and enlighten. Give me the ability to chain any stinking thinking to the floor of the deepest room in my heart so it does not get out to hurt or tempt anyone else. I receive today as your gift with a thankful heart and I commit myself to use it to your glory. Finally, I look forward to heaven when you will sift through each day with me, including this one, and will show me the immense value of even the smallest word that occurred today. AMEN
Every single day of our lives is a very well thought out gift from God. Show him how much you value it by living it thoughtfully, humbly, and lovingly for him.
Additional Reading: Psalm 19, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 13