Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Dear heavenly Father, some people make it so easy for me to be kind and loving toward them. Others make it really hard. But you challenge me here in this verse to love, forgive, and show kindness to everyone even the "hard to love" people, because of you and not because of them. It is all a matter of which "BECAUSE" drives me. I am begging you to help me love those who have made life uncomfortable for me, to reach out to those who have stiff armed me, to forgive those who have hurt me even before they dare to apologize. I want to love people indiscriminately BECAUSE you love me that way. AMEN
Unconditional love is supernatural. You can only get it at one place, from one person. No one else has it to give. It is not for sale. It's free for those who believe that all they must do is ask God for it.
Additional Reading: Matthew 6:9-15, Matthew 18:21-35, 1 Peter 3:1-17, Colossians 3:12-17