Wednesday, November 14th


"Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:20

Dear Jesus, when I was a little child I always felt safe when I knew my Dad was around. When I was in school I always behaved better when I knew the teacher was in the room. When I was in high school I always had more fun when my closest friends were with me. When I have my family with me now, I have a hard time feeling lonely.  All of these blessings come from you sending someone to be with me!  And then I read your words, "I will be with you always."  You are all those people in my life; the One who makes me feel safe, who changes my behavior, who makes life more fun, who keeps me from feeling lonely.  I need you every hour to be with me.  Thank you for promising to be right here with me during this whole day.  I know today will be good, because today you will be with me.  Thanks.  AMEN

 "Jesus never intended for us to feel alone.  We did that to ourselves."
