1 Corinthians 16:13-14 – Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
Lord God, it is so easy to grow listless and apathetic about our life and our work as Christians. At least, it comes easy to me. We’re doing battle against evil and we never seem to make much, if any, headway. The battle seems to be never ending. I’m tempted to throw up my hands in discouraged resignation. More than that, I easily slip into a spiritual carelessness and apathy and I don’t even seem to notice or care about it. I stop caring about my own relationship with you. I stop caring about the eternal destinations of other people in my life or even in the world. I feel so helpless against it that sometimes I stop caring about their fate. Lord God, this call final call to action by the apostle Paul in these letter are a call to me. Help me hear his call and to follow through. I pray, keep me awake, watchful, alert and standing firm in the faith. I will fall asleep as the disciples did in Gethsemane unless your Holy Spirit keeps me alert. I pray, Lord, keep me alert to the spiritual dangers facing my soul. Keep me from apathy, acedia, and despair. Help me keep my eyes on you, always believing and trusting in you. Then, Lord, make me bold, courageous and strong in my life and work for you. Keep me from a timidity and weakness that is not fitting for a man or woman of God. Give me a godly confidence. And help me to do everything in love. Lord God, I am yours. Give me boldness and courage to live that truth out in my life. Amen.