2 Corinthians 1, 2 Corinthians 2:1-11, Nehemiah 1-5
Nehemiah 1:11 – O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.
Lord God, Father in heaven, tune your ear to me. I pray, listen to my prayer today. I confess that I do not deserve for you to hear my prayer. I do not deserve for you to pay attention to a thing that I have to say. But Father, for the sake of your Son, tune your ear to my cry and be attentive to my prayer for mercy. Your people in Houston, in Edna, in Victoria, in Louisiana and in Texas are hurting. Their lives have been torn apart by the Hurricane and the flooding that followed. Your people here in Fort Worth are hurting as their live are torn apart by sickness and sadness, by hardship and trouble in different but still painful ways. Your church on earth is torn apart by division and by false teaching, by selfishness and by apathy. Hear our prayer, Father. We have sinned against you. All of us. Not one of us has clean hands. We do not deserve for you to hear our prayers, but Father, for the sake of your Son, hear us! Tune your ear to our cries for mercy. We pray provide help, healing and hope to all who were crushed by the storms of last week. We pray provide the same for those who are crushed by the hard circumstances of their life. We pray, heal your church by the gospel of Jesus, so that we are one church on earth as it already is in heaven. Give success to me today in all that I do. As I seek your kingdom and your righteousness today, dear Lord, give success and strength to my hands as I seek to alleviate some of the suffering of those around me. Help me do this, dear Lord. Amen.