Not in Vain


1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Ezra 7-8

1 Corinthians 15:58 – Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain.

Lord God, your resurrection brings me so much hope.  In this world when we are constantly facing death, constantly trying to put off and avoid death, I need this hope. In this world when we often seem to be beating back the wind, your resurrection brings meaning back to my every action.  My body is constantly decaying around me.  I can feel it in my bones, in my back, my joints, my ligaments.  My very body preaches to me about my coming demise.  My conscience also constantly reminds me of my sin and my failure.  It preaches to me about my sin and it’s punishment.  But your resurrection, Lord Jesus, reminds me that all of that has been undone.  My sin has been truly and fully paid for.  I am not in my sins because you are raised from the dead.  Death will not be the end of me.  It will be but a semicolon on an eternity with you.  Lord Jesus, fill my heart with resurrection confidence as I live today.  Remove the fear of death from my heart and give me joy to live for you.  And then, help me to overflow in your works and in your ways.  My time is not wasted when I use it for you. My effort is not wasted when I follow you and obey your will.  Help me to joyfully obey and follow you today.  Then, then I can be sure that my labor is not a beating back of the wind.  Give me, Lord, resurrection confidence as I live and work today.  Amen.