1 Corinthians 1-2, 2 Chronicles 4-6
1 Corinthians 1:30-31 – And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who has become to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
O God, as I live and walk in this world, it is easy for me to start boasting and bragging. It’s easy to point to things I’ve accomplished and things that I’ve done. Even the things of faith can become like that. It’s easy for me to point to things I’ve done – like Bible study and worship – that have brought me to where I am. But Lord God, you’ve taught me again that it’s all because of you that I am your child. It is because of you alone that I believe the truths of the Bible. If it weren’t for the work of your Spirit, I would read the account of Jesus’ death on the cross and it would seem to be absolute foolishness. I listen to the skeptic’s arguments and they seem to make sense. But your Spirit has given me faith to believe the foolishness of the gospel. You, Lord Jesus, are everything to me and for me. You are wisdom from God. You are my righteousness, my holiness and my redemption. You are my everything. So, if I’m going to boast about anything today, Lord Jesus, make it a boast about you. Teach me to boast about what you have done for me. Teach me to boast about what you have done in me. Teach me even to boast about what you have done through me. It’s all you. It’s all because of you! Let this truth give me joy as I boast in you today and this week. Amen.