Treasures Old and New

Matthew 13:36-58, 2 Kings 5-7

Matthew 13:52 – Therefore, every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.

O Holy Spirit, you have given us your Word for our learning.  You have inspired every word of it that we might be saved, that we might instructed, corrected, rebuked, encouraged and even equipped for lives of service.  It is perfect and sufficient in every way.  It is a well that never runs dry and has no bottom.  I will never be able to get to the bottom of it and fathom the depth and the riches of all that your Word contains.  I pray, continue to amaze me with the things I already know.  Keep me from getting tired of the simple, Sunday-school truths that I have heard from little on.  Instead, make them to me like fine wine or aged scotch – better with age, richer and more full of meaning to me and my soul.  And then, keep running into your storeroom to bring out new riches day after day. Continue to open your Word to me that I might see the wonderful things that you have inspired and given to me all along. Keep me from walking down my own paths and seeing things that aren’t really there.  But, instead, give me fresh insights into the depths of your Word as I go further up and further into the revelation of your nature, your will, your way, and your works for me and my salvation.  Make your Word sweet to my taste as you bring out treasures old and new for me.  And then, make me a capable and wise teachers who brings the same to the people in my life – to my family, my wife, my children, my neighbors and my church.  Amen.