Reasonable Conversation

Acts 18, 1 Samuel 18-20

Acts 18:4 – And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks.

Lord God, I want to share your Word in a reasonable and logical way.  I want to be able to converse with whomever I meet and share the Gospel with them in a way that they can understand.  You, Lord Jesus, desire all to be served and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  This includes all people that I meet.  O Holy Spirit, help me to learn more about the people around me so that I understand where they are coming from.  Give me a loving heart so that I get to know them even before I help them get to know you.  Give me wisdom to speak your Word to them in a way that they will understand.  Give me words, illustrations, and Bible passages – all at the right time which you will use to convict, convince and convert their hearts.  Lord Jesus, O God, my Father in heaven, dear Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide – I am with you on your worldwide mission to save souls.  Equip me with wisdom, love and reasonable conversation so that people might hear the gospel clearly from me and so believe.  Use me to serve people.  I am a clay vessel in your hand. Use me this day.  Amen.