Resurrected Joy.

Proverbs 7:14-27, Psalm 49-51

Psalm 51:12 – Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Lord Jesus, sin is such a powerful and destructive thing.  Its guilt and punishment is not only damning but it kills us.  That’s why you died, Lord Jesus.  That’s why you lay in the tomb.  That’s why you were crushed and damned by God.  But, sin and death could not and would not hold you down.  You rose from the tomb that first Easter morning.  You were raised from the dead.  Lord Jesus, as we prepare for Easter today and then celebrate it tomorrow, resurrect joy in my soul.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation once again, Lord Jesus.  Sometimes my soul is crushed by the weight of sin un-repented.  Sometimes my soul is crushed by the weight sin unforgotten.  Sometimes my soul is crushed by a self-reliance and self-righteousness that cannot be sustained.  I know it, Lord Jesus, I cannot save myself.  Resurrect joy in my heart and soul.  Let joy be raised up in my soul.  Lift my eyes up to where you are seated at God’s right hand.  There you rule your church; you will defend it, protect it, and shepherd it.  Lift my eyes up to you in whom my true identity and my real life is hidden.  I am yours.  I am your holy child.  I am loved by you.  I am fully and wholly righteous.  Grant me joy to know that I will not always be engaged in this struggle.  You will care for me through this life and then, one day, you will come for me and I will be changed.  Lift my eyes up to see you raised for me and so resurrect joy in my heart.  Amen.