Genesis 45:8 – So it was not you who sent me here, but God.
Father, it’s hard not to live in the past. It is so easy to connect the past to the present and see a cause/effect chain of events – “my sin brought this about.” Regret, guilt, and even fear all creep in when I do this. Joseph, however, has such sweet words for his fearful brothers, even for me. He reminds me that even in my sin, God, you are always working for good. You are ruling and my sin cannot screw it up. He reminds me that my sin is so cleansed and washed away that there is no accusation for it left. Joseph doesn’t accuse his brothers, nor do you accuse me. Lord God, thank you for removing the accusation for my sin and for ruling all things for your good purposes. Because you are good and you are God I am relieved to know that I can’t screw it up. Keep me from sin today, dear Father. Amen.