
John 11:1-16; Genesis 39-40

Genesis 39:23 – And whatever he did, the LORD made it succeed.

Psalm 90:17 – Let the favor of the LORD our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.

Lord God, bless the work that I do today.  Bless the time that I spend at work, at home, at play.  Bless the relationships in which I invest.  Bless the projects that I undertake.  Grant your success to all that I put my hands and my heart to this day, dear Lord.  Most of all, I pray keep my heart from bitterness and disappointment when my efforts and my work don’t meet the ideas that float through my mind.  Keep me from bitterness about the circumstances in my life that are hardly pleasant.  I marvel at Joseph, O God, that through all the valleys of his life, his heart was steadfast and trusting in you.  He never gets bitter, but does the work in front of him the best that he can in even the worst circumstances.  Lord God, most of all, grant me a heart like his.  And even more so, give me a heart like Jesus’.  He saw the cross.  He knew what it meant.  But he scorned the shame because he saw the salvation of souls would from it.  And he did the work of salvation even though it meant great misfortune and pain.  Grant me a heart like his as I do the work.  And, as you will Lord, grant success to the work of my hands. Amen.