Carpe Diem

John 9, Genesis 34-35

John 9:4 – We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.

Lord Jesus, I love to watch you do your work.  You always have a clear mission.  You know exactly why you’re here and you have a bullet-like focus to get it done.  And, at the same time, you are so flexible.  I see you passing by a blind man and you invest most of a day into him and his salvation.  I’m pretty sure that this wasn’t in your day-planner when you got up.  But it is clear; this is part of your mission to do the works of God while it is still day. Lord Jesus, help me orient my whole life in the same way that you did.  Give me a clear mission to seek you, to glorify you, and to do your works.  I do have a plan for this day, as I’m sure you did too.  But Lord, make me flexible with this plan so that I can sieze the opportunities and do the works you give me as long as it is day.  Help me to sieze this day and do your works.  Amen.