Stay in it.

John 8:12-47, Genesis 31

John 8:31-32 – Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Lord God, the battle against my sinful nature is real and intense.  Every day.  Every moment.  I say words, have attitudes, think thoughts, and do things that are not me.  Some things just rise up in me whether I want them to or now.  Impulses come that I hate.  I clearly see my bondage!  I am not free.  I am constantly at war.  My only hope is you, Jesus.  My only hope is to stay in your Word.  My only hope is to know the truth about you, o God. That truth alone sets me free.  You sent your Son to redeem me from slavery to sin so that I may be free, really free.  I am not a “dead man walking” to execution.  I am a son on my way home, all the time waring against my sinful flesh.  There is no condemnation for me.  There is only forgiveness and freedom.  Help me to live here, to stay here. Keep me in your Word all day every day.  That’s where my freedom is.  Amen.