
John 7:32 – 8:11, Genesis 27-30

John 7:36-37a – Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.  This he said about the Spirit…

Lord Jesus, you tell me to come, drink and be saved.  Oh, that water is sweet!  Your salvation is full and complete.  I am fully satisfied with your saving work for me.  Thank you!  And now, I pray, fill me up with your Holy Spirit so that I would overflow with the same living water that fills me.  I don’t want just a little bit of your Spirit; I want all of him.  I don’t want just a little fruit from him; I want to bubble up with the fruit of the Spirit.  I want people to know and to have the same joy and joy that I have.  I want, Lord God, that they would bubble up too, and gush about how good your salvation is.  Lord God, I can’t work this in me.  I am no mechanic of the heart, but your Spirit is, Lord Jesus. Send him into my heart and save me first.  Then, send him again and again and again to transform me into the person whom you designed and called me to be.  Make me one who gushes over with streams of living water, fruit of the Spirit, and words of salvation for those I meet.  Amen.