Psalm 7:10 – My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
Lord God, grant me eager, willing and diligent feet to go with the gospel of peace and to do the work of my callings. Give me clear words to speak it to all people at just the right time. Help me to season my conversation with salt. Help me to do the work without worrying about how it will turn out. Keep discouragement and frustration far from my heart but keeping my heart always turned and tuned to you and your promises. Results will always let me down. But your promises will never let me down. You rule over even the greatest evil and the biggest failure. You even leverage evil for good for me, and, even more importantly good for your kingdom. You rule, govern, and guide in the shadows where I don’t really get to know what you are up to until it has already been accomplished. Help me diligently trust you to shield and protect me. Help me to diligently work and pray. Amen.