1 Peter

Following Jesus in 2018.


Genesis 10-11


Further up and Further in: Psalm 1-2, Ephesians 2:1-10

Verse: Psalm 1:1-3 – How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.  He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither.  Whatever he does prospers. CSB

Prayer: One thing is needful; Lord, this treasure, teach me highly to regard.  All else, though it first gives pleasure, is a yoke that presses hard.  Beneath it my heart is still fretting and striving, no true, lasting happiness ever deriving.  This one thing is needful; all others are vain – I count all but loss that I Christ may obtain.  Amen.



Genesis 8-9; Psalm 12


Further up and Further In: 1 Peter 1, 2 Peter 1:16-21, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Ephesians 2:19-22; Matthew 7:24-29

Verse: Ephesians 2:19-20 – So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. CSB

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have given me such a foundation on which to build my faith and to lead my life.  You have inspired them to write your Words for me and for my salvation. They aren’t making stuff up out from their own imaginations.  It’s not coming for a smoke-filled room.  Their words are your words, and they are perfect, good in every way.  Every word of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Help me to open my ears and my hearts to listen carefully to every Word that you have given.  Teach me to lead my life and build my faith on the sure and certain foundation of your Word.  Amen.



Genesis 6-7


Further up and Further in: Acts 3-5

Verse: Acts 4:20 – We are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard. CSB

Prayer: Lord Jesus, when you conquered death and appeared to your disciples, when you poured out your Holy Spirit on your disciples, they lived and preached with a whole new boldness and confidence.  Where they were previously timid and afraid, now they were unafraid and unabashed in their preaching and ministry.  Lord Jesus, let your resurrection fill me with the same confidence.  Let your Spirit give me the same boldness.  I am yours!  You bought me and I belong to you.  I cannot lose since you conquered death and defeated all my enemies.  Your message is true and powerful whether people believe it or not.  It will never return to you empty or void, but is like the rain that pours down from heaven.  Set me on fire with resurrection and Spirit-given swagger to keep on living.  Let these words of Peter be mine: “I can’t stop speaking about what I believe!”  Amen.

Abandoning but not abandoned.


Genesis 3-5


Further up and Further in: Matthew 10:32-33, 16:13-28, 26:36-46, 26:69-75, John 21:15-19

Verse: John 21:19 – After saying this, he told him, “Follow me.” CSB

 Prayer: Jesus, after all the ways in which Peter betrayed, abandoned and failed you, these last words you speak to him are amazing to hear.  Even after all the ways in which he had abandoned you, you never abandoned him.  In fact, even after all the ways in which he had failed you, you still wanted to use him for the kingdom; you even touched my faith and life me by his writing and his teaching!  God, this inspires so much hope in me.  Your compassion and mercies are new for me each day. This day, Lord, forgive me as this day begins.  Cleanse me and create in me a new heart, O God.  Your calling to follow you is new this day too, Lord Jesus.  Help me to follow you as my Lord and God, today.  Wonder of wonders, you still call me to follow and you still desire to use me. Help me make the most of my moments today.  Amen.



John 1:1-3; Psalm 8; Psalm 104


Further up and Further in: John 2:1-12, Mark 5:21-43, Mark 9:2-13

Verse: John 2:11 – Jesus did this, the first of his signs; in Cana of Galilee.  He revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him. CSB.

Prayer:  Lord God, the Bible is full of accounts from your ministry and life that demonstrate your power and your glory, your grace and mercy, your compassion.  Each story presents you to me as my Savior.  Each story shows me what you are like and how deeply and dearly you care about me.  Each story drives me to believe in you and to put my trust in you.  As I follow you this year, and dive into your Word, show me who you are that I may believe in you and be saved by you.  Amen.

Peter: Called


Genesis 1-2; Psalm 1-2


Further up and Further in: Matthew 4:12-22, John 1:29-42, Acts 4:13-22, Matthew 10:1-42

Verse: Acts 4:13 – When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognized that they had been with Jesus. CSB.

Prayer: Lord God, you called, trained and then used fisherman to be your disciples, to be your apostles and even to lay the foundation for the church through the Spirit-inspired teaching, preaching and writing.  Father, you have called me to be your child.  You have made my holy by your Son’s blood and by the Spirit’s work.  Use me, just as I am, just as you have created me, to serve you this year.  Equip and disciple me this year for every work that you have prepared in advance for me to walk in it.  Inspire and set me on fire to follow you with devotion and dedication this year.  This is your year and the life you have given me to live.  Help me dedicate all that I do to you and to your glory. Amen.

Here is an overview of the book of Peter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhP7AZQlzCg