Wednesday, July 19th

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 2:5

Dear Jesus, How easy it is and yet how hard!  Instead of giving us rules and psychological schemas, you tell us to have your mindset of humility and love.  I’m glad your life is on display in Scripture.  Although I wish there were more to read, what is there is enough to teach me about forgiveness, love, service and peace in relationships.  The record of your life is so powerful that the memory of it guides and protects me from grave errors.  Help me to remember you and how you lived.  When I am rubbed raw by a porcupine person, give me a story from your life to cling to so I don’t react poorly and retaliate.  Make me salt and light as you described by giving me yourself as a resource and example.  Be my Savior and redeem my days.  Amen.

If you follow Christ in your heart, your body will do and say things that change the world, especially the one close in.