Tuesday, July 18th

“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.”  Proverbs 12:11

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me to be humble and faithful enough to work “my land.”  That is, help me to do the normal things you have given me to do in my individual life.  It’s so easy to get caught up in dreams about what my life could be or should have been and then I waste all kinds of energy in regrets and strivings about a fairy tale life.  Right in front of me you have given me opportunities for deep relationships, productive work and peaceful partnership.  Give me the faith and the tenacity to get my work done and to fulfill my family and work obligations with joy and self-sacrificing demeanor.  Help me to be content deep in my heart just to be alive and serving in your world no matter where and how.  Amen.

Just being alive and burdened with love is a huge privilege for a fallen soul.