Friday, November 25th

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Galatians 3:28

Dear Jesus, You and your gospel take care of all racism, all sexism, all class separation, and all ethnic pride.  All Christians are equal in value before you.  Our humility and peace work together to make us want to celebrate our oneness when we meet other Christians.  We look at the world the same way, forgive the same way and seek to honor our Father together the same way.  All, our individuality pales in significance to our sameness.  It’s exciting to see how you have raised us up to each other’s status.  Help us all give each other the dignity of being a child of the king even when we feel our differences.  Amen.

The blood of Christ makes all Christians kinfolks.