Thursday, November 24th

Kind and compassionate Father, we must admit our hearts are not always filled with thankfulness, especially as we see so much sin in the world.  Too often they overflow with discontentment and a desire to see better days.  As broken people living in a broken world, it is so easy to focus on all that causes pain and suffering, on all that is wrong with this world and the billions who inhabit it.  Forgive us, Lord!  Forgive us our daily discontentment, worry, and complaining.  Wash it all away in the blood of our Savior! 

Send your Spirit through Word and Sacrament to open our eyes to the many blessings you shower down upon us every day.  Help us to recognize and appreciate every good and perfect gift that comes from your gracious hand.  Fix our eyes on the blood-stained cross and empty tomb of your Son from which flow our greatest blessings: pardon and peace, new life and eternal life.  Open our minds to the wonder of your generous daily care.  Fill our mouths with praise for your blessings of daily bread, the love of family and friends, the purpose and meaning of our vocations, and the pleasures of joy and laughter.  Move us to cling to your promise that in all things, even things that bring us pain and sorrow, you are graciously at work for our ultimate good.  Fill our hearts with compassion and move our hands to action so that we may be one of the reasons that our neighbors give thanks to you and praise your saving name.

For all your blessings, Father, we give you hearty thanks in the name of your dear Son, our Lord and Savior Christ.  Amen.