Dear Heavenly Father, When a child is born, we love to point out how the baby has “her mother’s eyes” or “his father’s nose.” It gives us joy. We don’t know what Jesus looked like. Much more important than his physical appearance was the fact that Jesus inwardly “looked like” his heavenly Father. Jesus told his disciples, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). As we hear the gospel lessons about Jesus in the coming weeks in church, God will show us more of himself in Jesus, his Son. We will see his power and compassion in his miracles. We will see his wisdom, his holiness, and, most of all, his love. Especially on the cross, we see his love. This is our God who died there-he himself suffering the divine wrath because of the sins we committed against him. It may seem strange to talk about the cross at Christmas, but we have to remember that this is why Jesus came. We can’t worship him at the humble manger without praising him for the reason why he came. Today we see the love of the Father presenting his Son to the world. With all the love and pride that a father has in his son, God the Father presents Jesus to you. By his Word, he exalts his Son in our eyes. “See how my Son took on your humanity to be your Savior,” he says. “See the divine love and compassion in him.” Marvel that the Father gave up the Son he loves so that the Son might return from the cross and grave and bring you with him to heaven. Jesus brought us sinners back into his Father’s love. Rejoice in the joy that the Father now has in you, his dear child. “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26).