Friday, December 24th

“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means “God with us”).”  Matthew 1:23

Dear Jesus, Your virgin birth underscores your humanity and divinity but more important to me is that it tells me you are with me.  You became a human and went through everything I am going through right now.  You had fallible parents, a country under duress, the stress of finding daily sustenance, the challenge of siblings, the failure of friends, the fear of death.  You had it all.  But you saved me from it all.  You are still human but you are the Savior human.  You redeemed me from the dead end I was seeing.  As my “human-God” you deeply understand my concerns and at the same time have the answer that I need.  I know you are with me.  Now, I want to spend my day with you.”  Amen.

God is with us and we are with him.  No room for loneliness.