Tuesday November 9th

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined-and everyone undergoes discipline-then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all.” Hebrews 12:7-8

Dear Father, The phrase that sticks out to me today in your words is “and everyone undergoes discipline.” Before it almost slipped by me. I have often felt that so many others were disciplined way less than me and that a few were disciplined more. How foolish for me to try to judge what you are up to with each soul and to measure (as if I could) how you discipline us! Everyone undergoes discipline. No one is immune to it and no one dares to try to escape it either. It’s your way with sinners. We need hardship to keep us close. We need it for a thousand other reasons that only you fully understand. It leads us into a dependent relationship with you. It surprises us and knocks us off our self-made pedestal. It makes us need and want you and the relief you bring. It makes us evaluate our lives and look for sin we have committed. It makes us real and humble. It deals with our rebellion. Not one of us people on the planet escapes it. It’s only your children by faith that receive it as a part of a loving parent/child relationship with you. Help me to trust your love when I’m disciplined as much and when I seem to be not. Amen.

Good parents are expressing love when they discipline their children. How much more does God express his love when he allows his own to hurt